Chapter 9

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me and cody walked up to my room, i was so nervous. But i have to tell him. Its impossible for me to keep it a secret.

"okay.. what did you want to tell me?" he says to me as he sits down on my bed.

"look cody this is going to be really hard for me to say, so please i hope you understand." i say

"I-I'll try to understand as best I can." cody says.

My heart is beating out of my chest, i can breathe and im getting all choked up. Oh no, i can feel tears. No kylie pull yourself together.

"alright here goes..... Cody im, Pregnant." I say starting to cry, not able to hold my tears in any longer.

"Oh kylie shh dont cry" he says putting his arms around me, embracing me in a warm hug.

"i cant believe this has happened" i say crying uncontrollably.

"kylie kylie kylie, im here now. And i will be through every step." he says rubbing my back and pulling my hair back with the other hand.

Cody stands and pulls me up with him. At first i had no idea what he was doing, but then i realised I knew what he was doing. and before i knew it we were standing there hugging. to be honest, i really needed this. I mean kendalls hugs are great, but i get this tingly feeling when i hug cody. and im so happy he understood and will support me through this.

I honestly believe im starting to dovelop feelings for him.

"anyway we should get downstairs, i wanna talk to kendall" i say to him.

"yeah okay but remember we need to talk to your parents about this" cody says.

"yeah i just hope they take it well. i mean mum will be disappointed but she will eventually accept it. but dad i have no idea how he'll take it" i say to cody.

"okay should we tell them tomorrow?" i suggest, to get it over and done with.

"sure, ill come over at 12" he says as we leave my room.

"okay lets go sit with the family now." i say to him.

we go downstairs and sit with the family, not saying a word about it since we got downstairs. Me and kendall gave each other looks but thats about as close as we got. 

it got to 11 oclock and cody was still over, so he left. I decided to sleep with kendall again for the next few nights. 

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