gym class

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after a couple minutes of reading i got a bit thirsty . i got up and started looking for a vending machine when i finally found one i saw a guy with black hair looking intensely at the machine .

i waited a couple minutes so he could leave and once he did i got a milk . i started drinking it and walked back to the bench.

when i got there i saw the tall blonde guy with a green haired boy sitting there on the bench .

'omg what am i going to do.' i thought to myself .

after a couple minutes of walking in a circle trying to figure out how i would get my bag . i noticed i had finished my milk.

i walked up to a trash can near by and threw in the trash . i finally built up courage and walked up to the bench . i planned this situation in my head .

if they asked me what i was doing i would just give a simple answer . if they stared at me i would just hurry and walk away as soon as i got my bag .

i walked up to the bench and grabbed my bag . i then hurried on and walked off . they didn't say anything or bothered look at me. they just continued talking .

i guess i over thought it huh. as i was walking away i bumped into these girls, they looked older than me like 2nd years.

"watch it loser" one of them said as they pushed me down to the floor .

"i-im sorry" i apologized still on the floor .

they laughed and continued to walk away . i picked myself up and hoped that no one saw. i looked around and no one was nearby so i guess no one saw.

i started walking around the school and walked for a while until i heard the bell ring again.

'it's time for gym class' i said to myself as i looked at my schedule.

the locker rooms were nearby from where i was so i went in. i thought i was first but i saw a couple of girls already changing .

i changed into my baggy gym clothes and started walking to the gym. i didn't know which gym to go to there was like 3 . so i just followed some girls that were ahead of me.

i went into gym class and we were playing basketball. and by that i just meant i would only play when the teacher would look in my direction. i wasn't really into sports .

i asked the teacher if i could go get water and they let me so i walked out of the gym and started walking around .

i saw one of the other gym's doors were open . i stood next to the open doors and looked inside . there i saw boys playing volleyball .


i walked into nekomas gym where kuroo would usually be at playing volleyball.

there i saw him kissing another girl at the sidelines with his team cheering him on. i just stood there frozen tears falling down my face .

after a couple minutes they finished playing and i saw kuroo walking out . i wiped the tears off my face and walked up to him.

"k-kuroo who what that ?" i asked him .

"who ?" he responded acting confused .

"the girl you kissed.."

"oh her? her name is ashley she's a total hottie." he smiled as if he was proud of what he has done.

"u-um but you and me are dating ." i said trying not to make eye contract with him so i just looked at the ground.

"yeah well don't you think people are going to think it's weird if me , the hottest guy at school doesn't have a girlfriend." kuroo said confidently .

"you and me are a secret. don't get ahead of yourself. i have to pretend to be dating someone cooler ." he continued to chuckle at his own response .

"b-but you said you love me.." i said trying to hold back the tears that started to form.

"and i do. since when did you get jealous, that kiss didn't mean anything to me babe." he said as he put his hands on my waist and looked me in the eyes trying to convince me what i saw was just necessary.

but as soon as one of his team members started to come outside he quickly let me go and stepped back like if he was just having a regular conversation with me .

he soon started walking and i followed behind him to a more quieter place so his teammates couldn't hear our conversation.

i stayed silent continuing to walk with him.

"don't start getting all jealous y/n." he said as he stopped in his tracks and started cornering me into a wall .

"i can easily replace you." he said as he held my chin up with his hands, i looked him in the eyes but i felt chills starting to form as i saw that cold distance look in his eyes.

"your right . i-i'm sorry." i apologized.


"what are you doing here?" i heard a male voice behind me .

i quickly turned and bumped into someone. it was the tall blonde guy from my class.

"o-oh i got distracted i'm sorry." i said as i started walking back to my gym class .

i turned around to see him looking at me . i got nervous so i walked faster .

My Darling.. (tsukki x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя