first day

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i woke up to the sound of my phone alarm ringing. eventually i turned off my alarm and lied on my bed staring at the ceiling .

"i'll be fine" i whispered to myself as i continued to stare blankly.

i got up from bed and turned on the shower, after a while i entered the hot water . i tried to plan out my day today and hoped i'll have a good day at the new school .

i finished showering and dried my hair ; i put on my uniform it was bigger than my actual size but i like it like that.

i brushed my hair and put on a light amount of makeup, nothing really bold, just mascara and a lip tint.

i got my school bag ready and unplugged my phone and stuffed it in my pocket as i walked out the door .

i stopped by a cafe on my way to school to pick up some bread and coffee for breakfast.

i lived a couple minutes away from school but was running a little late so i hurried on my way to school .

'okay i need to find my class .' i thought to myself.

i was a first year but i was taking advanced classes . i guess you can say i am smart, it's the only thing that i had going for me so i really depended on my grades.

i looked at my schedule and struggled to find my class but eventually found it but i was late. a couple people asked if i needed help along the way but i just told them that i was fine .

i opened the classroom door and all eyes were on me .

"hello y/n. students we have a new transfer student today" the teacher said as i walked in .

"please introduce yourself" the teacher said to me .

i stood infront of the class and wrote my name on the board behind me .

"hello , my name is y/n, i just transferred here from nekoma and i hope i can get along with you guys." i said as i bowed down.

i was terrible at talking infront a big amount of people so i was kinda shaking a little. the little sentence i said infront of the class i practiced for a while before walking into class.

"thank you y/n . please take a seat anywhere you see a free one." the teacher said to me with a warm smile .

i walked to a empty seat that was behind the class . i sat down and placed my bag down. i looked up to see a tall blonde guy infront of me.

throughout the lesson i couldn't see the middle of the board because the tall blonde guy was blocking my view .

i finally built enough courage to tap the guy's shoulder . he turned to me and his face looked unamused .

"i'm sorry but can you move a little i can't see the board." i asked him .

"it's not my fault your blind ." he replied and turned back to face the board again.

"says the one who wears glasses" i said under my breathe .

he didn't move at all. so i just tried my best to move around to see .

i guess he saw that i was struggling so he turned around .

"just sit over here ." he said as he pointed to the empty seat next to him. he sounded very annoyed with my attempt to see past him.

i nodded my head and moved my stuff and i sat beside him . he didn't talk through out the class , which i didn't mind

the teacher continued to write notes and i did my best to follow along . she was writing kinda faster than me. a couple minutes passed and the whole class was almost done with the notes ; then the bell rang.

it was time for a break according to my schedule. i cleaned up my desk and packed my bag, everyone walked out of class and so did i .

i found a empty bench outside the cafeteria and sat down. i pulled out my book from my bag and started reading off from where i left off .

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