boring day

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i woke up still next to suna. i sat up and checked my phone. all the notifications were from the group chat. they were just talking about meeting the "good team" tomorrow.

they kept bugging me to go so i just said i'll consider it. i got off the bed and this woke up suna.

"where you going?" he yawned.

"i need to go pick up livana from my parents house." i said putting on my clothes.

"okay, bring food on your way home. here" he said handing me $50.

"okay" i said as i left the room.

i showered and put on clean clothes and left. i got in the car and drove to my parents house. i stayed and talked for a while. after that i left and put livana in the car seat.

i drove to a fast food place and got some food. i drove back to the dorms and went inside. i out livana down in her play area.

suna was in the shower so i knocked on the door.

"i'm home, hurry you have school" i said.

"i know" he replied back.

i put sunas food down and started feeding livana her baby food. a couple minutes have passed and suna came out of the shower. he was in his school.

"here's the change" i said handing him the rest of the money.

"keep it" he said as he started eating his food.

"i'll just leave it in your room then." i said cleaning up livana face.

he finished eating and said bye to livana and me and left. i took livana to my room and i sat on the bed. i started doing my online school. that's when i got a text message on my phone.

"hey y/n. are you coming with us tomorrow?" - s/n

"uh idk i don't have a babysitter for livana" -y/n

"just bring her with you. she's quiet" - s/n

"uh, your right. fine i'll go." - y/n

i turned off my phone and got back to doing some school work. after i finished i saw that livana had fallen asleep.

"i guess today is a me day" i said to myself.

the house was clean and no one was here. and livana was asleep. i decided just to watch movies all day. i binged watched a tv series first and then watched some random scary movies.

at one point livana woke up and we watched a disney movie for her. suna got home eventually and he just went out with the team.

i spent the whole day watching movies and only took breaks to use the restroom or to feed livana. suna was still out and it was pretty late.

i got tired and took livana to her crib. i went back into my room as well and laid on my bed till i fell asleep .

a/n : hii . thank you everyone so much for the recent support and i'm sorry for this chapter being short but the next one will be longer. also if you have any other story ideas you guys would like, then please let me know. thank you for supporting <3!

My Darling.. (tsukki x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora