Chapter •[4]•

Start from the beginning

'Chicken on a raft on a Monday morning, oh what a terrible sight to see--'

Great song, right? Honestly, the imagery and emotion put into this one song was award winning, and worthy of three gold metals and not to even mention—Sorry, I forget I'm the one narrating. Silly me.

They soon made it to school, Saiki slightly weirded out by the song playing in the girl's head but it was quite amusing to see her enjoying it.


"Saiki, I forgot to do the homework, can I see yours?" I fiddled with my thumbs, he sighed and reached into his bag to get something. He shoved his book into my hands, and my nervous smile turned into a happy grin, and I quickly thanked him and headed to my seat to copy his answers.

'Don't make it obvious that I gave you the answers.' I looked up and glanced at the pink-haired boy across from me and let a cheeky grin on my face before answering back.

'Who do I look like to you? A dummy?' I glanced back to him, he had a deadpanned expression on and I frowned, pointing my finger at him. "You're so mean, Saiki." I grumbled. He sighed and put his head into his hands, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to look. Oh, Kaidou.

"Oh, hey Kaidou." I greet, my eyes searching his nervous and shy face, his cheeks bright red, his legs caved into each other as she shifted anxiously. "What's up? Need something?" I asked, he nodded.

"As part of the Jet black w-wings, I have the duty to make sure you aren't apart of the Dark reunion!" He exclaimed loudly, and we received a few strange looks. I stifled laugh, and looked up at him fully. "Of course, I'm not apart of that terrible group! I believe the Jet Black Wings can protect us all." His face lit up with red, and I smiled.

"Wanna know a secret?" I asked, leaning in, covering the side of my mouth as if this secret was so important no one else could hear it.He nodded, "I think the Jet Black wing's leader is so cool for protecting us, but don't tell anyone," He blushed and nodded. He walked away, I turned to back to Saiki.

'You're a saint for playing along with him.' My face lit up with a pinkish color and I nervously laughed and turned back to copying his answers, shifting ever so slightly with his gaze on me.

Soon class started, and his gaze was turned to the talking teacher.

How nerve-wracking...


Good grief, this perv won't leave me alone.

"Please Saiki! Help me!" A tick mark appeared above my head as I slowly walked away. 'No way, get lost.' I mumbled, he was so annoying. "Saiki!" He yelled loudly, throwing a fit.

Soon my telepathy picked up a strange song, like the one I heard this morning.

'Chicken on a raft, I oh, chicken on a raft~'

What is with her and this song, it's ridiculous. Toritsuka slapped my arm, and pulled me to a stop. A loud, high pitch gasp leaving his lips. 'Slap my arm again, and you're losing one of yours.' I hiss and Toritsuka grimaces and backs away.

"Oh my god! Do you see that amazingly, hot, woman right there! What's her name? Tell me her name, Saiki. I need it right now!" He yelled, begging me, dropping to his knees and grabbing hold of my legs. I scoffed and kicked him away.

I turned to see Y/n and my glare soon found Toritsuka, he slowly backed up protesting.

'Weren't you just going on about another girl.' I ask, or it's more like a statement. Toritsuka waves his hands in denial, "Nope, nope." He denies.

"Hey Saiki!" I turned to see Y/n coming over to me, Toritsuka looking at her too, his mind flooding with lewd thoughts. Disgusting. I slapped the back of his head, he gripped it and fell to the ground in pain. "What the hell what that for?!" He yelled, angrily.

"Here's your book back, thanks for letting me use it this morning," She says quickly, handing me the book I had lent her. I nodded, and her face contorted into a distant look.

'Do you hear his thoughts? Shivers.' I nodded and slapped Toritsuka's head again. He fell back to the ground with a loud cry, his body rolling on the ground dramatically. "What the hell, Saiki!" She laughed at the scene.

After she was done laughing, Toritsuka attempted to introduce himself.

"Hey there cutie, I'm Toritsuka. What's your name babe?" He asked, setting a hand on her shoulder with a disgusting smirk.

Good grief, this is pissing me off.

"I'm Y/n, and please don't call me 'babe'. It's a little weird." She laughs, her shoulder shrugging his hand off. He sighs and begins to sulk.

'Class is starting, I'm leaving.' They both nodded and Toritsuka walked away to his class while Y/n offered to walked with me.

'No, I just want to be alone. I have to get some thinking done.' She nodded and then spoke again.

"Man, can we hang out after school?" She asked. Her eyes shining with hope and false innocence. I nodded then walked away leaving her to walk to her own class.

Good grief.


Just as promised Saiki and I hung out after school, I stopped by the bakery and got a cake. It was cute, and I didn't want to come to his house without some sort of gift.

I rung the door bell and he opened the door, the door was open wide enough for me to get in. "I bought a pastry from the bakery down town for you and your family." His eyes sparkled and I handed him the small box, he accepted it with a small smile on his face he pointed to the couch and I took the hint.

I sat on the couch and turned on a random show, he came back with a piece of cake, sitting down beside me, eating slowly with an aura of pure bliss.

'Thanks for the cake.' I nodded and I leaned back against the comfortable couch. We watched a bunch of different shows, then took a short break and then continued to watch more of the shows.

"So, where's your parents?"

'They went out.' I nodded in response, it was awkward now. Just the show talking about random stuff that was on sell at your local store.

"Hey, I'm going to head home catch up on some sleep."

He nodded and I teleported home, dad wasn't here because of some important 'work related business.' Which was basically code for, 'I'm going to go meet Mary Ann.' He wasn't sneaky.

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