"Aria?" Erik says as I am about to go to my room.


"Do you want to keep living in the shadows like this, helping the humans ... you could join my revolution to wage freedom of mutants" he says still not looking at me.

"Because peace is the only way"I reply rolling my eyes.

"No it's not ... my way is better" he says finally looking at me.

"Erik ... it would kill Charles if I joined you" I say standing beside him.

"Get him to come aswell"

"He won't do that ... not even for me" I say smiling sadly at him.

"Aria please think about it" He says as I walk away. I turn around and stare right at him.

"No Erik ... what you want is awful ... people will die on both sides!" I say echoing.

"I know" he says.

"And what about Raven ... I know you love her Erik" I say smiling softly.

"She is joining me" he say which makes my heart drop.

I walk away of to find out if Erik is telling the truth about Raven. I pass Charles who try's stop me, i don't tell him about but say I'm busy.

"Raven!" I shout when I see her.

"Oh hey Aria wassup" she asks.

"Your so stupid ... Erik told me about what you two are planning ... you can't do that to Charles" I say.

"Have you talked to your brother recently ... I'm not the only one with Erik" she says.

I find myself running after Andy. He is in the park and he is about to cross the road.

"Andy wait!" I scream to him.

I run onto the road when I look and car tyres screech,  I find myself planted to the ground until I feel someone push me out of the way.

I look up and see the driver of the car getting out of his car panicking. I look and see try see who pushed me out the way but there face is covered with blood, I have to look away, it's not Charles because he is heading here right now and it's not Raven or Andy because there right beside me.


"Erik! Erik no ... Erik I'm so sorry!" I start screaming running to him and checking his pulse. Why did he push me out the way?

Charles gets to me and pulls me away, I try pushing him away.

"No Aria don't!" He say, I can hear the shakiness in his voice.

"CHARLES PISS OF" I hear myself squeal ... it's not human ... it's so high pitched.

Charles and everyone else are holding there ears, I can see no colour, I run back to the house and look in a mirror ... my eyes are black. Fully black. I'm pale.

"Aria?!" I hear Logan shout from the accident scene as an ambulance pulls up.

I run back out and put sunglasses on so the humans don't see my eyes. The driver is looking at me blankly, I see Charles clearing his meteors of what he just saw. I can feel the colour return to my eyes.

"Charles I'm sorry" I say this as I take my sunglasses of, he looks at me and takes my hand.

"Why were you so upset... screaming and everything?" He asks me in a soft voice.

"I don't know, he saved me- I could have died ... I just don't understand why he just let me get run over or even at least throw the car out of the way, it's metal" I say, I feel sick to the stomach.

We head back to the house and we all get into our pyjamas, Raven and Andy went to the hospital to stay with Erik. I still can't believe My own brother is joining Erik.

"I know about your brother, Raven and Erik" Charles says quietly looking at me.

"How long?"

"A while ... I read ravens mind at dinner s few weeks ago, he asked you didn't he?l he asks obviously worried sick about me and Erik.

I nod and he smiles.

" I didn't accept" I say running my eyes.

"I know, tomorrow we are going to have a look at your eyes ok?" He asks me getting into bed with me.

"Mhm ok" I say holding him.

"Charles ... why did I do?" I ask.

"Do what my love?"

"Kill my mother and Cleo"

"Because you were just learning about your mutation ... Sleep" He says softly stroking my hair.

Hey so like I might be able to do some more parts later cos like not baby sitting tonight thank gosh! So add my story to your library and vote for my chapter? Thanks- M :)

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