Bubbles bubbles bubbly bubbles.[6]

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|The next day|

Amity watered around Luz's tree, the ghost passing her many many times. Otto jumped from branch to branch, landing on Amity's shoulder. "Hey buddy, you seem excited."

He trilled, his tail wagging slowly. "I guess he got used to you. He wouldn't even let you touch him when you started coming." Luz said, landing in front of her.

Amity felt his fur, a bit of dirt coming on to her hand. "They need a bath.."

Luz hummed, circling the duo. "Well I know how to bathe them, but I can't leave from this spot. Unless you want me to possess you.."

Amity swallowed the lump in her throat nervously, taking a step back. "Y-You can't d-do that..R-Right..?"

Luz laughed, going over to her branch. "No I can't, I've tried it on the Enfield's once or twice. Don't think I can. Do you have a pencil and paper?"

|After school|

"Alright, so my gaurdian said it was okay to do this. As long as I don't come home dripping wet."

Luz ooed, landing beside the human. Otto came over, sniffing out the bath shaped bucket. Chestnut trilled, shoving past their older brother to sniff it out too. Cinnamon got on Amity's shoulder, growling at the water she brought. "It's just a bath girl, nothing to worry about."

Cinnamon huffed, Chestnut already wanting to take a bath. "Warm water?"


"A harness and collar for the future?"

"Yes Luz."

"A brush-"

"Luz! I got everything you asked me to get. It's okay."

The ghost sighed, sitting down in front of the bath shaped bucket. "Well first, you have to coat the rim with soap."

Amity made it look satisfying, the way it slowly dripped to the bottom of the bucket was enticing. "Do the same with the water till you're comfortable enough to know they won't drown.."

She filled it up just enough for the youngest sibling, Chestnut, to walk around without getting any water in their snout. "Put them in etheir individually, or together."

Chestnut jumped in, Otto following in too. "Two baths to do, Cinnamon doesn't seem to like the water."

Otto growled at his younger sister, the enfield sticking her tounge out. He yipped, Cinnamon rolling her eyes and getting in with them. "Good girl."

She huffed, splashing her brother. Otto stuck his tounge out, pushing her head down. "The rest is simple, but I'll still guide you through it."


"Get Cinnamon used to the water first though, she seems to hate it an awful lot."

Amity cupped her hands, gently pouring some water on the middle enfield. Cinnamons ears went back, the enfield purring quietly. "See? I'll be quick don't worry."

"Carefully run your hand through their fur, see if they have and sticks rocks, or really anything.

Amity ran her hand through each of the enfield's fur, getting out small objects. One of them, really surprising Amity. "Where on the Isles did you guys get this?" The human asked, holding up a bracelet.

It was a silver bracelet, having a possibly chain of alexandrite, maybe amethyst on it, she didn't check the inside, only put it on temporarily. Luz knew who's it was, wondering how the enfield's managed to find that place. "Okay, back to bathing~"

Amity wiped Chestnuts face, making sure to be careful with their eyes. She kissed their snout, Chestnut trilling. Amity didn't know what they wanted to go by, but she wanted to get 3 different collars for them. "Chestnut, what color are you going to rock today?"

They looked up at her, tilting their head to the side. Amity dried off her wet hands temporarily, picking up the three different collars. They cooed, pawing at the pink one. "Alright girl, we'll put this on later."

Her tail wagged swiftly, the enfield yipping. Amity got her all soapy, moving on to the next enfield, Cinnamon. She repeated the process to Otto as well, washing the soap out and getting them dry.

After around 20 minutes Amity finished up, putting everyone's collar on. The human also did this goofy yet cute hairstyle on Cinnamon, moving the fur on her head up and tying it with a bow. She didn't seem to like it though. "Watch her take it off, a bath was to much for her."

Cinnamon put her paw over her ear, managing to untie the bow with a single move. She shook her head, going over to her sister. "What classes did you have Ghosty?"

Luz hummed, getting on her branch. "I don't really recall that stuff..Heck I don't even remember my mom's name anymore..Everything's starting to just fade away like a leaf in the wind."

Amity frowned, looking up at the ghost she was so fond of. "You always seem to find a way to make a simple question sad."

Luz chuckled, looking at the human who was pouting. "A ghost lives how she wants Amity, I might be gone by the time you go home."

Amity shushed her, the ghost laughing louder. "Back to regular questions, I noticed a hand drawn cover in your little library." The human started, getting up and grabbing her bag. "I wanted to ask you first if I could look at it."

Luz shrugged, Amity taking out the book. "Go ahead, I don't mind."

Amity opened it up, sitting on the bench and getting comfortable. "If this has any of your secrets I'll take them to my grave too."

Luz rolled her eyes, letting out a scoff. "Whatever you say."

To be continued.

The Dead Witch. Lumity Fanfiction AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora