Where do we start? [10]

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They had come to an agreement, and right now, it's early morning the next day. Camilla had come back with a demon, a witch, and an owl. Amity was reading The Good Witch Azura 2 aloud, knowing that Luz was still around, and definitely listening to the human. When the group arrived, they had set up and small picnic area by the grave.

Camilla put flowers in front of the grave, wiping it down to make it look how it was just short of a year prior. The witch was setting up their lunch, being on edge as she never thought she'd be here again. Luz got up from the grass, poking Amity's nose, the human getting a shiver, "It's rude to do that.." Amity muttered.

Luz smiled slightly, going over to her family, Camilla spotting her, "Brought your favorite.."

The witch pulled out a plate of paw shaped tacos, placing them down in the center of the blanket. The demon just stared at the grave, his tail swaying from side to side, "Are we getting Luz back..?" He asked quietly.

"Well, it depends if she wants to buddy. She gets to decide."

He nodded slowly, his tail falling by his side, "I miss Luz.."

"Eh..We all do.." The woman said.

The ghost sat down by the demon, Luz staring at grave, "This is Eda, right?" Luz questioned, glancing up at Camilla.

"Edalyn Clawthorne, your step mom."

Luz looked back at the woman, poking her nose, the witch drawing back and sneezing. "Ooh boy..It's getting cold.." She shivered.

Camilla came over, sitting down by Eda, receiving a head kiss. "You're doing good amor." Eda said, putting one arm around her. "This is as hard for you as it is us."

"I know.."

The demon went over to Camilla, sitting in her lap, putting his claws together in front of him, and bowing his head. Camilla pat his head, then reached towards the grave. She felt around in the grass by it, pulling a almost metallic plate out. She flipped it and put it back down, Eda handing her two little sticks.

Camilla lightly blew on them, setting both sticks on fire, then she put it on the little plate. They slowly stood up, ashes already begining to form on the plate. Amity went over, sitting by Camilla, "How old is she now..?" Amity asked quietly.


"This is King, right?"

The demon looked up at Amity, then nodded. "King of demons, bow down to me peasant!"

Amity booped his snout, "That's a very mean thing to say, I thought we were friends now." Amity frowned.

He looked down, then slightly hugged Amity, "..Sorry.."

"Luz was really mean to me, can I know how she was like?" Amity asked smugly.

"Oh you-" Luz hissed, picking up a small rock, throwing it at Amity.

It lightly flicked the humans forehead, Amity snickering, "Well, Luz was.." Camilla paused. "Perfect.."


Luz was smart, kind, generous, had the perfect schedule, was fit, knew everyone, just, the one being who was perfect. "Was she really, though?" Amity asked softly.

Camilla paused, then shook her head. "I knew what she was really going through, I confirmed it when she.."

Eda gently nudged Camilla, "It's okay hun, you don't have to say much more if you don't want to."

Camilla nodded slowly, keeping her mouth shut to calm down. "We're really sorry for not coming Luz.." Eda said softly. "None of us..Were quite ready to see you again.."

A little pebble was thrown at her, "It wasn't okay..But it'd be grateful if you could let Amity and I do our plan.."

Camilla looked up at her, "..If it gets you back.." Camilla sighed. "We'll do it."

To be continued.

The Dead Witch. Lumity Fanfiction AUWhere stories live. Discover now