Scroll. [8]

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The next morning.

"Hey! Willow!" Amity called out, running down the hall.

The witch looked back, stopping in her tracks. "Yeah?"

"Do you- Huff..Know anyone named Luz?"

Willow went stiff, her ears drooping down: "I did.."

"Care to- My God I ran to much..Tell me a few things about her?"

"Why? You never met her. And you never will."

"Why so bitter?"

"Because she left me!" Willow shouted, clenching her fist.

Amity flinched, taking a small step back. "S..She left you..?

"We were so close..Till she had to go and play hero." Willow hissed. "She didn't deserve it, but it was her fault she died."

A witch came over to her: "Cat.." The human mumbled.

"We don't talk about Luz, some of us are still grieving over her passing so we don't mention her." Cat said quietly. "Come on Willow, let's go find Gus.."

The witch moved her hand under her glasses, wiping her eyes from the tears that welled up in her eyes. They went down the hall, eventually leaving Amity behind. 'Not the answer I needed or expected..'


Amity asked a few passerbys during school if they knew or met Luz, needing to know more about her ghost buddy. But no one answered her question, they just glared at her and left. So after school, when Amity returned to her Ghosty friends grave, she shook her head slowly. "No?"


"Does nobody like me?" Luz questioned, slightly baffled. "Well you do- Kinda."

"Cat said everyone was still grieving over your death."

"Hey, I know this is an odd question but do you listen to Witch in Scarlet?"

"Witch in Scarlet? Girl in red? Yeah I do."

"No, our version."

"Should I? I don't have your witchy devices."

"Right. Okay, I remember this spell, get a paper." Luz said, sitting down beside her.

Amity did so, getting a pencil as well; "Draw a circle. Then add..."

After a few more instructions, Amity tapped the glyph, a scroll like object poofing up in front of her. "Was this one yours?"

"Yep. I think. I'm not sure-"

Amity turned it on from the side, the screen lighting up, showing a picture, two people in it, Luz, and another human. "Ooh, you've met a human before me? I thought I was special."

"Well you are, humans can't do magic. Yet, you can." Luz said, hanging upside down in front of her. "Why is that?"

"Notebook my mentor gave me, said one of her family members researched when she was younger, think she's smarter then you Ghosty."

Luz stuck her tounge out at the human, Amity giggling quietly behind the scroll, Luz crossing her arms; "Is there a password?"

Amity tapped the screen again, sliding up; "Nope."

"Let's hope my search history isn't anything bad." Luz smiled sheepishly.

Amity smirked deviously, going to their version of Moogle, Woogle, checking Luz's search history. Nothing bad, the worst question was if demons should kill as much as they say they would. "What's the dumbest question I asked?"

The human hummed, scrolling down the ghosts search history, trying to find which question was dumber; "You asked if humans existed..But there's a human on your homescreen."

"Well..I dunno. She's the only human on the isles that probably existed, giraffes were a thing but they just disappeared. I must've thought it was something else, like a defect. They're pretty common y'know."

Amity waved her off, Luz sticking her tounge out at the human; "Nyehhh!"

"You're so childish Luz."

"I don't remember if I had a normal childhood Amity, the scars on me say otherwise." Luz said.

"How do you know you have scars?"

"What, do you think I wear the same thing everyday?"

"I mean yeah because I've seen you in that for like a week straight-" Amity blurted out.

Luz snapped, the ghost now wearing long blue overalls, nice white sneakers, and a black shirt with a jackalope on it. "I like to wear what I wear because I like it. I can also do this." Luz snapped again.

Her hair was very long and in a braid, just reaching to her side. "But," Luz snapped again, her other attire returning. "I died in this and I actually like it."

"Picky one aren't you?"

"Picky? I consider myself different from others not a picky person."

"Do you even know what that means?"

"No I do not, so never use it in a sentence or I won't understand any thing."

Amity giggled, shaking her head slowly, looking down at the scroll; "Is there anything specific you want to remember?"

"My birthday if you can find out." Luz responded.

After some messing around with the scroll, she found it; "__, __, ____." Luz read.

"That's in a month." Amity mumbled.

"That's cool. This means I'll be older then you right?"

"Yeah, you're right."

Luz hummed, sitting down by the human, looking out at the park, the ghost flinching. She looked at Amity, the human putting her hand through Luz, pulling back, a weird gooey substance transferring to her hand. "I don't think this has happened yet."

The ghost felt herself, she still phased through her body, just not her hands. Amity moved her hand closer to her mouth, licking it. "WHY WOULD YOU LICK IT!?"

"It's actually not that bad.."

"You disgust me."

Amity looked for her lunch pale, unzipping it, taking out her empty container, getting the weird goop inside, closing the lid. "It's weird."

"You're weird you just licked my gooey insides."

The enfield's came over, Otto yipping, jumping around Amity. "What is it boy?"

He spun around, yipping louder, wanting her to follow. Amity got up, putting her stuff back down, following him to the other side of the tree. He went down the burrow, Amity kneeling down to see it better; "Oh you finished digging it out!"

Otto yipped, poking his head out, going back in, taking something out, dropping the flower in front of Amity. "For me?"

He yipped, his tail wagging furiously. Amity took the flower, peony. Pink. "You goober, trying to flirt with me huh?" Amity giggled, scratching his chin.

Otto licked her palm, letting out a deep trill, puffing his chest out. Chestnut yipped at him, moving Otto aside, their feathers on their front feet puffing out. "You going to try and impress me Cinnamon?"

She rolled her eyes, sitting down and licking her talons. "What about you Luz?"

"Mm..Give me that will you?"

Amity offered her the peony, Luz using just a tiny bit of magic to hold it up; "Will you do the me the pleasure of reading book two (2) of The Good Witch Azura?" Luz asked, kneeling down in front of the human, holding out the peony.


Luz snorted, putting the flower down in front of her; "Will you do me the honor though?"

Amity giggled, picking the flower back up; "I will."

To be continued.

The Dead Witch. Lumity Fanfiction AUWhere stories live. Discover now