Good Witch Azura. [2 part 2]

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Note: Hecate looks way different in this version, I don't like that she has two faces– So I imagine her as a witch like Azura with orange hair and coral highlights. Just overall a common witch.

"Ah! You found them!" Luz exclaimed, going over to the front of her border.

Amity stopped right behind the line, Luz just questioning why. "Why do people avoid the green grass?"

Luz pulled back a bit, taking a step back. "I'm not really sure..I do try to touch people sometimes, sending shivers down their spines..But you're the first person in 6 months to visit me.."

Amity stepped in her area, getting a small shiver. "And I plan on doing it daily." She smiled, going over to the bench.

Luz went over, climbing up on her branch. She hung upside down in front of the human, Amity opening up the book. "What page did you say you left off at?"



"Oh..My..Titan.." Luz muttered, getting down on the grass. "I knew it! I was so angry when I couldn't leave this spot to see if the king was bad or not! He was so suspicious!"

Amity giggled, turning the page. "The witch, Azura, rushed over to the fallen witch. 'Hecate are you okay?' She asks, placing the witches head in her lap.."

Luz gasped, getting so intrigued in the story. "The orange haired witch with coral highlights nodded slowly, trying to sit up. 'Oh no no, don't force yourself Hecate..You'll hurt yourself like that..' Azura muttered, pulling the witch close."

The ghost sat up in the grass, her ears perking up. "Hecate nuzzled in to Azura's chest, the green haired witch caressing the smaller girls cheek. 'You'll be okay. Just stick with me okay?' Azura said, picking up the witch."

Luz tugged at her own hair, wanting Amity to hurry the hay up. "Hecate nodded slowly, looking back at the king. He pulled out his staff, taking Hecate from Azura. 'Hecate!' The Green haired witch shouted, reaching out."

Amity turned the page, looking at the ghost. Luz was smiling brightly, glancing at the human. Amity smiled back, looking back at the book. "The king casted a spell, the spell pushing Azura back. She hit the wall, cracking it slightly. The witch groaned, falling to her knees and down to the ground."

Luz sat on her legs, her ears going down slightly. "Noo! Azura!" The ghost cried out, falling back dramatically.

Amity covered her face with the book, giggling quietly. "Hecate let out a cry for help, Azura groggily getting up. 'H..Hecate..!' The witch called out, attempting to get up. The king scoffed, taking Hecate with him. 'Azura! Azura get up! Please!' Hecate shouted, trying to resist."

Amity turned the page again, the ghost getting giddy. The human covered her mouth with the back of her hand, showing Luz the last page. "AH NO WHY!? GOSH DARN IT! Just finish reading this page..!" She huffed.

Amity giggled, making the book face her again. "The king took Hecate through a portal, Azura managing to get up and follow them through. But to where? Then it says the credits, and who it was for.." Amity mumbled.

Luz groaned, trying to pull out the grass since she was so angry at the moment. Amity giggled, closing the book. "I have the 5th one."

The ghost perked up, going over to Amity, sitting down in front of her. "Come on, don't be rude and read the next book." Luz said, the ghost patting her knees.

Amity took the book out of her bag, showing the ghost the next book. "It took me 6 hours to read, so I'll have to come back again tommorow so we can finish it okay?"

Luz nodded, her right ear twitching. She was excited, she didn't care how long it took to finish the book, as long as she got her ship to happen. Amity smiled, opening the book to the first page. She spotted movement to her left, looking in the direction she saw it at. Luz looked over, perking up. "Oh! The enfield's!" The ghost exclaimed.

Amity took a light blue container out of her bag, opening it and putting it beside the ghosts grave. "Do they bite?"

"Not usually, no. If they see you as dangerous they scurry away. But this is their safe spot from poachers. Just wait for them to come to you. They will eventually if you don't do any sudden movements." Luz responded.

Three cubs came over, all siblings. The oldest one had white paws that looked like socks, a black tipped tail, it's ears the same, their eyes a very pretty green, their feathers a nice peach, and different sized circles or ovals over their body. All etheir white, black, or peach. The middle one was all grey, it's paws a black tint, it's eyes a bright yellow, their tail having small white dots all over it.

Now the younger one, was very pretty. They had orange to grey fur down their body, like they were dirty but really weren't. Their feathers were grey, their left eye purple, the other yellow. They all came over to the container, the youngest one taking a whole two sides for themselves. The other two taking one side each. "They're fine, they haven't noticed you yet. Go ahead and read the story."

Amity looked back at the book, getting it started with her new audience.

To be continued.

The Dead Witch. Lumity Fanfiction AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora