The Azura fan. [3]

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Amity took a out her small snack, popping it in her mouth. She scratched the older enfield's chin, the animal releasing a purr. "Azura tugged at the bars of her prison, slamming her hand on it. 'Hecate!' She shouted, looking at her surroundings."

The human drank some of her water, looking at her own surroundings. "Oh! I gotta go! It's getting late!" Amity shouted, closing the book.

She put it away, as well as both containers and water bottle, putting her bag over her shoulder. "You better be careful on your way back okay?" Luz huffed.

Amity nodded, taking the watering can back, waving goodbye and leaving the park. Luz sighed, going over to her grave. "She did clean it up rather nicely.." Luz mumbled, trying to pick up a flower.

It moved slightly, it's petals perking up. "Hope she brings different ones tommorow.."

|The next day|

The enfield's did come back early in the morning, hiding in a burrow the older one digged out. They were huddling together to share warmth in the early spring. "Can't believe I still need sleep even though I'm a ghost.." Luz muttered aloud to herself.

"That's honestly very surprising." A voice said, stepping in the green grass.

Luz looked over, jumping off her branch. "Hey! Morning! How'd you sleep?"

Amity giggled, walking over to the bench. "Surprisingly well." She responded, getting a small shiver. "Ready to finish the story?" She asked, placing the watering can down.

Luz nodded, getting down and at her last spot. Amity took off her bag, taking out the same light blue container and opening it up. She put it a bit closer to the bench, but still overall closer to Luz's grave. She took out her snack as well, putting her water bottle beside the bench. Amity took out the book, opening it to the page they left off at. "Ready?"



"Chapter 26...The Reckoning." Amity started. "Azura poked her head around the corner, holding on to Hecate tightly. The smaller witch groaned quietly, coughing weakly. 'I'll get you out..No matter what happens to me..' Azura mumbled, kissing Hecate's forehead."

Luz fist bumped the air, falling back in the grass. "Ah!~ Finally!~ I've been waiting 6 years for that!" Luz exclaimed, sighing dreamily.

Amity giggled looking back at the book. "Azura snuck Hecate back to the room they popped out of the portal in, slowly opening the door. She peeked in, heading over to the portal. She placed Hecate down gently by the machine, moving her hair back."

The human turned the page, taking a quick snack. "Azura went over to the panel, typing in some coordinates before pressing a green button. She went back to Hecate, the witch barely waking up. 'Azura? What's going on?' The orange haired girl asked."

Amity popped another cut up berry in her mouth, before going on. "Azura kissed Hecate's forehead once more. 'I'm taking you home..' The green haired witch said. A loud bang ensued on the door, a staff cutting right through it. 'Don't forget about me okay? I'll try to find a way back. Just take care of everyone.' Azura said, helping her up."

Luz paced around her grass, her foot phasing through a flower over and over again. "Azura kissed Hecate for just a second, pushing her through the portal. Azura turned back, summoning her staff and getting in position. 'Just me and you. No cheating. And no funny business king.' Azura muttered."

Amity called the enfield's over, the middle one coming up on to her lap. As she was about to continue reading, someone whistled. "Hey kid." A male said, waving at her.

The human looked over, getting another cut up strawberry piece. "Can ya give me that enfield? That one's mine." He muttered, hiding the net behind himself.

Amity popped another strawberry in her mouth, looking back at her book. "If it's yours come get it. Or better yet, call it over."

The man swallowed the lump in her throat, looking at the ring of green grass. "C-Come here Spencer.."

The enfield didn't budge, only nudged Amity. She continued to scratch her chin, looking over at the male. "I thought she was a girl?"

The man nervously laughed, taking a step back. "Poaching is strongly against the law you know. I'm trying to have a nice evening under a tree, why don't you come over?"

He slowly put his foot in the ring, getting a strong feeling someone was running their finger up his spine. He shivered, taking another step in. He got a stronger shiver and a sharp pain on his leg. He jumped back, running out of the park. "Right, let's take a small break right now. I'll just water the tree and pick up a bit." Amity said, closing the book.

Luz got up, going to the bench. "M'kay you do you."

The enfield's all huddled up again, the oldest one grooming their youngest sibling. Luz circled her perimeter, looking out at the people who come by to play or hangout. "Why don't you go with them Amity?" Luz asked, looking over at the human.

"Don't want to. You're alot more fun." Amity responded, sitting in front of Luz's grave.

The ghost went over, sitting beside her. "Mm..Well I don't really consider that a full complete answer. So care to elaborate..?"

Amity hummed, thinking of how to decrypt this. "You're a ghost, and I've never been so comfortable around a dead person before. It sounds a bit unsettling but it's actually not..You're a really nice person Luz.."

The ghost smiled a bit, her ears going down slightly. "Do you plan on going to school?"


To be continued.

The Dead Witch. Lumity Fanfiction AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang