The Glyphs. [4]

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The next day.

So Amity did end up talking to Lilith about school, and if there even was a chance she could get in. The answer? "Yeah okay. You can start tommorow if you want." Lilith responded, sipping on her apple blood coffee.

Amity's mouth was agape, the human trying to process the sentence. "But- Wha- I don't- I can't do magic- Will they still let me?-"

Lilith hummed, putting her cup down and going upstairs. Amity just stayed downstairs, waiting for the witch to come back. After a few minutes, Lilith came back with a notebook. "This was my niece's..She did lots of research on how we did magic back then." She said, opening the book.

There were these types of glyphs, all of them starting off as circles and having their own designs in the center. "Oh wow.." Amity blurted out, turning the pages.

Fire, Ice, Light, Plantbomination? "Hey what's this?" Amity asked, pointing to the plantbomination glyph.

Lilith looked at the page, studying the paper. "Here, let me draw it and show you myself." Lilith said, taking out some sticky notes from a drawer beside her.

She took out a pen and re-created the glyph. She tapped on it, the ring glowing then the whole design followed as well. Something small began to grow, eventually becoming twice the size of the paper. It groaned, looking around. "She was pretty smart for a thirteen year old." Lilith smiled.

Amity awhed in amazement, touching the gooey plant monster. "You can check out the others if you'd like. She hasn't shown anyone but me these. So I'm sure no one will question you about them."

The human looked at the other pages, studying this geniuses research. There were notes on how to create objects with the ice glyph, how to minimize your flame or grow it, even how to command the goopy monster! Almost the whole notebook was filled with her notes, there were enough pages for Amity to conduct her own research as well.

"Lilith do you have any papers?"


Amity sat in the grass this time, writing down some notes about the glyphs while Luz napped for the 18th time today. They finished the book a few hours prior, and with a very good ending. Hecate did come back for Azura, both spending a few years being partners till the green haired witch asked the big question.

The last chapter was amazing, Luz being suprised it wasn't bad like other stories that have horrible endings. "Hey Luz?"

"Hm..?" She answered tiredly.

"What's something you found out you could do as a ghost?" Amity asked.

Luz hummed, both awake and thinking about the question. "Well, kids under 4 can see and hear me for starters.." Luz mumbled, sitting up.

Amity stayed silent to listen to the ghost. "They're the only ones who can come to my grave too. They're not affected by my barrier basically. So when parents come over with their kids. Sometimes they crawl or walk over to me. So when that happens, I go right up to the kid."


"___! ____ Where are you!" A mother called out, seeing vibrant green grass in her peripheral vision.

She stopped, looking over at the ghosts tree. Under it, she spotted her little spawn. "____! Come here hun!" She shouted in a panicked manor.

Luz had finally noticed the kid, getting off her branch. The boy looked at her, his tounge sticking out. "Hey little dude, can you hear me?"

He put his hands up, reaching for the ghost. "I'll take that as a yes. Is that your mommy?" Luz asked, pointing to the women.

The boy looked over, nodding slowly. "Okay then, let's go back to mommy." Luz said, sticking her hand out.

He thought he grabbed Luz's hand, but in reality, he just learned to walk. He babbled, one hand on his waist, the other reaching out for his mom. She gasped, kneeling down, reaching for her kid. Luz let him go, the boy giggling and hugging his mom. "Don't run off again you hear?"

He giggled once more, nuzzling in to his mother's chest. There were many cases like this one, Luz's personal favorite was the little boy who didn't want to leave her.

"Come on buddy, wake up." Luz said, squatting down beside him.

There was a mom, dad, and 2 guards trying to figure out a way to save their kid. The kid was 2 1/2 maybe 3, but definitely tired. "Do you..Want a cookie?"

That woke him up, he opened his eyes and yawned, looking around. He spotted Luz, sitting upright. "A cwookie..? You have a cwookie for mwe Wady?"

Luz shook her head. "I bet your mommy and daddy do. Is that them?"

He looked over to his right, spotting his parents talking to the guards. He nodded, looking back at Luz. "Want to go ask them for a cookie?"

He shook his head, reaching out for Luz. "Oh no no no, you can't touch me buddy. If you do I'll poof away!"

He pulled his hand back, not noticing it was a lie. "You want to stay huh?"

The boy nodded, sitting on his legs. "But mommy and daddy are worried about you, so go ahead."

He looked over at his parents, his mother crying already. No one knew how to get to Luz's tree, those who did never bothered to visit her. "But you are bery pwetty.."

Luz smiled a bit, standing up. "Well that's very nice of you to say, but I need you to go back to your parents."

He got up, stumbling back a bit before stabilizing himself. He waddled over to his parents, grabbing on to his mother's pant leg. "Cwookie?"

His mother picked him up, squeezing him tightly. He looked back at Luz, waving. "Bye bye pwetty wady.." He mumbled.

"There's no one there bud.." His dad muttered.

The boy looked over at his father. "But she's wight there!" He exclaimed, pointing to Luz's grave.

One of the guards came over. "Many parents do say the girl who died there helps the kids come back to their parents ma'am. I'd only be right to pay respect."

The mother hummed, letting her husband take the kid. She rummaged around her picnic basket, taking out something of medium size. She placed the flowers down in Luz's ring, casting a spell. A few sprouted around it, the family and guards leaving. Luz sat down in front of it, just taking the little magic she could from it.

~End of Flashback~

"That kid sure wanted a cookie." Amity giggled.

Luz smiled a bit, looking over at the spot the flowers were planted. "I won't be here in the morning anymore."

The ghost perked up, looking over at her. "What? Why?" Luz asked.

"I have school tomorrow!"

To be continued.

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