Chapter Six

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"So we need to get to the highway, correct?" Namjoon asks.

I nod at him.

"Yoongi you're going to need to lead the way, me and Jin will be up back and Y/n you stick with Hoseok, okay?"

We all walk through the empty street quietly. It seemed that most of the walkers were in that main street where I was first attacked. It's weird. What used to be bust streets, are just empty roads. All the boys had weapons and could defend themselves, it made me feel useless. My best bet would be to run away but sometimes that's not an option. 

"Hey," Hoseok says happily. How can he be so happy all the time?

"Hi Hobi," I reply.

"I heard you free run?"

"Yeah, but weren't you drunk when I said that?"

"I was, but Jin hyung and Namjoon were talking about it this morning," he continued, "what's the tallest place you've climbed?"

"Well, I mostly jump from building to building but I once tried to climb the Samsung tower palace with my bare hands, but after twenty-seven stories the security came in a helicopter."

"You still got far up, were you not scared of the height?"

"I didn't look down once, so there was nothing to be fearful of."

"Wow, you're so motivational," he says smiling, "you got any videos?"

"It was on youtube four months ago but I don't have my phone," I sigh.

"It is?! I don't have much battery but I really wanna see this," he says as he starts to turn his phone on.

He gasps dramatically.

"There's no connection!" He wails loudly.

"Hoseok be quiet before you bring those things right towards us!" Jin shouts from behind.

I burst out laughing when he looked at me disappointed, I turn around to look at Jin to his expression but I instantly stop laughing and my face becomes straight when I see the massive horde that is gathering behind them, running at us. They both turn around when they see my expression.

"Run! Get into that RV!" Namjoon shouts whilst pointing towards an RV that's not too far ahead of Yoongi.

Unexpectedly, I was the fastest runner out of them all and was first at the door of the RV. After tugging on it, I had the door open and I was holding it whilst waving the boys over. Yoongi was first inside and then Hoseok. The horde was getting nearer and nearer, Namjoon stopped to shoot at them occasionally but there were way too many. Jin got in and started the RV, however Namjoon's ammo had ran out and as he turned to run, he tripped over the uneven ground.

" clumsy! Start driving, I'll catch up!" I shout throwing my rucksack through the door and running over to Namjoon before helping him up and practically pushing him into the moving RV. 

The speed was starting to pick up but before it got too fast I dived through the open door and into the vehicle. 

"YESSSSSS!" Hoseok choruses, "some action! Well done Y/n!"

"Thanks Hobi!"

"There isn't much gas in the RV but it's enough to get us onto the highway," Jin sighs.

I stand up and reach out for the open swinging door and with ease, I grab the handle and slam the door shut.

"Y/N IS LIKE A NINJA WOWWWW!" Hoseok continues.

"I only jumped through a door I'm-"

"The door of a moving car! That's so cool!" He exclaims.

"Hmm okay," I say rubbing his red hair, whilst sitting down beside him.

"AND did you guys know she climbed twenty seven stories of the Samsung tower palace!" Hoseok continues.

"Okay Hobi, it's not that important," I say to him, "people have climbed bigger and better."

"Um...thanks for saving me just now Y/n," Namjoon chuckles whilst rubbing the back of his neck, "it's a good job you came along."

Yoongi remained silent looking out one of the windows. He's very reserved. He isn't bothered by me much, I'm not sure why he saved me that day; he doesn't seem like the hero type of person. I'm just thankful for that day even more. Hoseok found a notepad and a pen in the RV so we spent half an hour playing noughts and crosses or hangman. Me and Hobi were starting to become close and it's as if we have known each other for years.


After about half an hour, large splutters were heard from the engine and the vehicle start to shake a little. A clunk is heard and then the RV stops completely.

"Aish! There's no fuel left," Jin says trying to start the engine again.

"Looks like it's time to go by foot," Namjoon says whilst trying to wake Yoongi up.

One by one, we all clamber out of the vehicle and get prepared to walk a few more miles down the highway. 

After hours and hours of walking down what used to be a busy road, it started to get dark. 

"We should stop over there," Yoongi says directing us over to an abandoned gas station.

"He's right, let's get some rest and supplies" Namjoon confirms.

Casually, we all walk over to the old gas station.

Unrelenting || myg.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora