Chapter Twenty-two

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Momentarily, my throat went dry and I couldn't speak so instead I just sat, cross-legged in front of him. I blinked a few times before I managed to get my voice back.

"P-please don't tell him, we can keep it a secret. I won't be a problem, I promise!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that," the doctor says blankly. 

"But why not?" 

"Because if the marshal finds out, he will kill both of us or worse." 

I was holding back my tears when I averted my gaze to the left, I stopped when my eyes casted upon something. A small yellow screwdriver on one of those hospital tables with wheels. The metal part of it was rusting. My mind raced, I can't do what I'm thinking of. However, another part of me said I should. 

Without thinking properly my dry hand reached out and grabbed the screwdriver before pushing it directly into the side of the doctor's torso. He screamed out in agony when I kicked him over and before I knew it I'd ripped up his file before running out of the room, ignoring my own pain. 

Two guards chased after me down a long corridor after hearing the scream whilst another peered through the door's window, catching sight of what I had done. My breath whistled in my throat but I continued to run until a guard tackled me down to the ground.

The pain where I had recently been stitched hurt like hell but luckily there was no blood, which means the stitches were still perfectly intact. I breathed out slower in relief. 

"She assaulted the doctor. Lock her up." The guard who looked through the room's window had said. 

The other two guards grabbed one of my arms each and started dragging me away. My legs were kicking out in different directions as I was being dragged profusely. 

"Put me down!" I yelled through my gritted teeth. 

We appeared to be in an old abandoned prison now. There were many people in the cells. All of them shackled up to chains and sitting in the corners. Some of the people had crawled over the bars and were shouting to be let free. The one similarity is that they all looked traumatised. 

"As you wish princess," one of the guards says slightly delayed as he throws me into the cell before the other one walks in and clasps two metal shackles around my ankles and then another two around my wrists before grabbing a clump of my hair and pulling me up to his face level.

"We'll send your friends for a little visit, until then rest up. Tomorrow is show time," the guard chuckles dryly under his breath. 

"Fuck. You," I say breathing heavily as he pushes my head away with a strong force.

He continues to laugh as he walks away with the other guard, not forgetting to lock up the metal barred door. I could feel the sharp stabbing pain in my kidney area. Well, at least I know the blood tests didn't lie, it all adds up now. My stomach growled due to starvation alongside my groans of pain. 

"This is the worst," I mutter under my breath whilst sitting in the corner.

The cell was small, maybe around the size of a small bathroom.

The guard had said there was a showtime tomorrow, what could that possibly mean? I gasped at a certain realisation.

"They are not going to make me become a stripper are they?" I questioned myself before shaking the absurd thought from my mind.

Whilst I wait for the boys to arrive, I took long glances of the room that I was in. There was no paint on the walls, just concrete bricks, same goes for the lack of carpet or tiles on the floor. Many rusted metal bars stood at the edge of this empty room blocking my escape. Cold metal wrapped around my wrists and ankles, it didn't secure me in my place, I could walk around this empty cell if I'd have wanted to; although there is nothing really in here to see or do.

My eyesight gazed up and noticed a small hole in the wall with four more rusted metal bars going through the space and rays of morning sunlight shone through.

"A window?" I muttered.

Casually, I pulled my aching body up and dragged the heavy shackles along with me as I reached up to place my hands on... surprise! Even more cold metal. I looked out of the hole and saw some sort of old village.

There was a centre where there stood a statue, but I couldn't figure out who it was of and surrounding it were many tents of what I guessed were filled with groups of friends, but no children or elderly were insight - it was cruel that they only accepted the ones who could fight.

There was a table with a large pile of blankets on one side of the square and another table where food was being served to in bowels, maybe it was porridge or cereal? It looked gooey but my mouth watered at the thought of food. I can't remember the last time I had eaten and I could feel myself slowly getting weaker because of my hunger.

Whilst I was gazing outside of the window, it started to snow. Pale fluffy flakes gradually drifted down to the ground without a care in the world. It was weird - how something could look so beautiful in a situation that was so unrelenting. The air was chilly as it ever so slightly nipped at my skin, I completely forgot I was only wearing a cami top on my upper half. A shiver travelled down my spine as I continued to watch the snow gracefully fall. 

Footsteps started along the corridor alongside the cells. In fear, I turned around again and pressed my back against the wall, the guard from before was creepy. My breath hollered in my lungs whilst I awaited the people walking down the hallway. Maybe they weren't coming for me. I might just be paranoid.

Once the people were in my sight, I released a breath I had held in because of the suspension when I saw a guard as well as the boys. 

"Yoongi!" I shouted as I ran as fast as I could across the cell and I gripped onto the bars firmly with my chained up hands. 

"Y/n!" He reached his hands through the bars and cupped my face in his hands, "what are you doing in here?" 

"I- well-" My head drifted downwards and I looked at the floor in shame but Yoongi lifted my head back up and locked my eyes with his own.

"You what?" He asked me concerned. 

I looked around noticing the guard was standing a few metres away for my privacy and then I connect my eyes with Yoongi's brown ones once again. 

"The doctor. He took my blood and found out I have kidney disease," I say glancing towards Jin for only a second, "he was going to kick all of us out and I didn't want you guys to leave with me so I- I stabbed him with a screwdriver." 

"Kidney disease? Are you okay?" He asks with worry laced in his tone. 

"I'm fine," I sigh, shaking my head.

"Listen Y/n, we are going to find a way to get you out of here. We will not leave you in here for our own safety. We'll come back the same time tomorrow okay?" Namjoon assures me. 

a/n: so I know it's almost been a month but a lot has been happening at home so I was a bit busy, as the oldest sibling lmao. To make up for it I made this chapter four hundred words longer although it's probably boring <3 

On a completely unrelated note, someone just sent me a bunch of random posters of groups that I don't stan (two exo posters and a AKB48 poster) and a friends poster. It had my full name and address on but not even my friends know my address so- my family thinks someone from my school followed me home which is weird. So if I disappear I may or may not have been kidnapped :D 

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