Chapter Sixteen

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TW - This chapter is very gruesome and contains a lot of descriptions of blood, gore and severe injuries.

I was in one of the most unsafe places when the train collided with the hydrogen truck. Yoongi started screaming for me to get back inside of the train. As I was obeying his commands, there was a loud crash at the front of the train and, due to the loose coupler, the carriage behind me flew forwards and pushed me around between the carts like a bully picks on a smaller kid. It sent me flying in the air and my frail body was being thrown against different metals.

The clanking of solid parts was filling the air alongside the strong smell of smoke. The crashing train pushed me one last time and it sent me down onto the metal spike that used to be the railing. I let out an ear-piercing scream as it stabbed through my skin and flesh in one swift action, impaling me.

The train had come to a stop at some point and all metal parts had stopped falling too. Silence filled the air. Debris had collapsed over my lower body keeping me stuck down, not that I could move anyway. My whole body was aching and tears were rolling down my grazed cheeks as I tried to endure the pain.

Raising my heavy head I looked up to see how deep in the rubble I was, only to see the sharp piece of thin metal covered in my own blood coming right through the left of my torso, not much higher than my hip. My black clothing was starting to turn a deep mahogany colour and was sticking to me due to the thick liquid. I lightly pressed down on the fresh, bleeding wound and let out a loud choked moan as my finger came into contact with my tender skin. My breathing became heavy and I hadn't even realised I was panting due to the immense pain.

Using my feeble hands, I ripped the bottom of my soaked hoodie so that I could look at my injury better. It was still virtually impossible to see as the blood was constantly flowing out and was dripping violently onto the pebbled track below. Unable to move, my head just fell backwards again resting on the metal platform as I groaned constantly before my vision started to go black and I slipped away from my consciousness.


(Third Person View)

All three of the boys came stumbling out of the train, coughing and spluttering as they made their way out of the the train wreck. They were all suffering from a few bruises and cuts but they managed to take shelter under the control panel in the front.

"Y/n?!" They all yelled incoherently.

"We need to find her," Yoongi blurted out before running away from the others to go look for Y/n.

"Do you think she's going to be okay?" Hoseok mumbles, his tears threatening to fall at the thought of losing one of his best friends.

"It's risky but Y/n is a smart girl, remember that video of her climbing?" Namjoon assures him, "come on let's go help look for her."

All four of the boys were looking for Y/n in the train wreck. Yoongi was getting panicked and got angry as he was kicking at what was left of the cargo train.

"I knew she shouldn't have done it! I had a bad feeling about it," he cried out.

Before he could carry on with his tantrum, he noticed something in the corner of his eye. A pale hand covered in blood. Yoongi called the other boys over before climbing debris to get upon the metal platform that Y/n was standing on moments before the crash had happened. There she was laying unconscious and covered in her own blood.

"HOLY SHIT! Y/N?!" Yoongi asks frantically.

Yoongi looked over at the large metal spike and then notices her severe wound.

"Guys you might want to come quick!" Yoongi shouts out to the other boys, who were now on their way over.

Tears start to stream down his cheeks as he wasn't sure how to stop her bleeding and was scared of what could happen to her. He felt hopeless. Sitting down next to her, he rests her head carefully on his lap, being careful not to disturb her injury and make it worse than it already is. His hands, now covered in her blood, reached over to her face and caressed her cheek shakily as his vision was blurred by his tears.

"Y/n...wake up, please..." he sobbed.

The other boys turned up behind Yoongi and looked at the situation.

"Oh God! Jin can you stop the bleeding, or at least slow it down?" Namjoon asks quickly, grimacing at the horrible wound, "Hoseok we need you to follow the track down to Seongnam and look for a vehicle with gas in so that we can get her to Seoul fast."

Hoseok's tears dropped delicately but he nods before running off to go search for a vehicle in Seongnam, not wanting to see his best friend in such a terrible state. Jin knelt down on the other side of Y/n and inspected her extreme injury whilst Namjoon comforted a sobbing Yoongi.

a/n: Sort of a double update :))

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