Explanation and Future Plans

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I really have no idea what to do with this book. I mean... I have ideas, but it just doesn't seem right to continue without Bianca. I miss her, I really do. I've been really busy the past few months, especially December with Christmas, even though I don't get presents anymore... but still. It's that time of year when semi-finals comes and my schedule is:

wake up

So yea, that my life for finals. I've been a lot more active on my main account, just because I'm always logged in on that account, I barely check this one because I got 3 other collabs, 3  books, family issues, friend issues, and Bianca, who's not there to remind me to check this account! So sorry. 

In terms of future plans: 

I plan on publishing more chapters. Who you like short common chapters or long uncommon chapters? Leave any comments and suggestions you have in the comments below, majority rules. If it was short and common, I'd attempt 3 400-600 word chapters a week. If it was long and uncommon, I'd attempt 1 1, 500 word chapter, updated on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. So what would you like? If you have questions, DM me and I'll try to get back to you ASAP.

After this book is finished, I was thinking of changing my collab partner for this account. I'll keep this book up, but I'll get someone to take over Bianca's place. I don't know, it doesn't seem right. Anyways, as I said before, leave all your comments and suggestion in the comments below.

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night! 

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