Chapter 4

390 8 3

Chapter made by: Helloworld467/Stephanie


-Abbey's POV-

I really didn't know to do next. He was on top of me, pinning me down. He kept kissing me and after a few seconds, I decided to kiss back. I could feel him smirking. After a few minutes of kissing, we break apart.

"Um, sorry." he says.

"It's fine. I'm tired." I say as he gets off of me. He walks over to his computer and logs onto Team-Speak.

"Hey guys!" he says.

"Hey man!" says an unfamiliar voice.

"Who's that?" I ask him.

"Oh, this is Brayden!" he says.

"I'm coming tomorrow." he says.

"Okay, I'll come pick you up." he says.

"Cool!" says Brayden. "Mitch and Ryan is coming too!"

"Okay. I'll pick you both you all up." says Jordan. "See ya tomorrow!"

"Bye!" says Brayden.

"I'm going to go home now." I say.

"Oh no your not!" he said tickling me. I start laughing and he picks me up and places me on the bed. I blow a raspberry.

"That's not nice." he says.

"So what?" I say to him and he starts tickling me again. "STOP!" I yell and he stops. He lays down beside me and I fall asleep.

The next morning, I hear someone yelling, "GET UP!" but of course I didn't since I'm a heavy sleeper. "GET UP!" yells the voice again. Zach. I get up and look at him.

"Hey!" I say.

"You were sleeping in a bed with him?" he asks.

"It's not like we were doing anything." I say back to him.

"Okay. Ryan just texted me saying that their flight lands in 2 hours." he says.

"Okay. Jordan, get up." I say to him.

"NO!" he yells.

"Zach, can you get me a bucket of ice cold water?" I ask him and he smirks and come back 30 seconds later with a water bucket and hands it to me. Liam trailing not far behind him.

-Zach's POV-

I see H come in after I fill the bucket.

"Hey!" I say. "Abbey's going to dump a bucket of ice cold water on Jordan to get him to wake up.

"Let's watch!" says Liam.

"This is going to be fun." I say before I enter the room and give her the bucket.

"Jordan! Look up!" she says and he looks up. "There's ice cold water in here. If you don't get up, I'm going to pour it on you!"

"There's no water in it." he says and the three of us start snickering and Abbey pour and water. "T-th-at-s C-co-ld." he says shivering.

"We told you." she says and we all laugh and he gets up.

"Hey, Jordan." I say.

"What up?" he asks me.

"Stay away from Abbey because she's mine!" I say to him.

"We'll see who she chooses." he says.

-Abbey's POV-

At 12 PM, I start driving towards the airport with Zach and Liam in the back talking about something and Jordan in the passenger seat.

We got to the airport and we see Brayden, Ryan, and Mitch just there talking.

"MR. PRESIDENT!" yells Zach and hugs him.

"Oh, hey!" he says.

"Manly hugs." I mutter under my breath.

"Who's this?" asks Brayden.

"Oh, um, this is my neighbor, Abbey White!" says Jordan.

"Hey!" I say shaking his hand.

"Hey! I'm Brayden, this is Ryan and Mitch!" he says.

"Nice to meet you!" I say to them.

"Okay, we'll go to the Cube House. Jordan, your staying with us, right?" asks Zach.

"Yep!" he says. I just stand there awkwardly because I'm not part of the Cube.

We pack all of their luggage in the back and they get in the car.

I reach the Cube House and they all pile out.

"HAVE FUN!" I yell.

"Aren't you coming with us?" asks Jordan.

"I'm not in the Cube." I say to him.

"So what? Come on." he says and I sigh. "Okay fine!" and I get out of the car.

I walk into the house and I see a TON of people.

"When did they get here?" I ask Zach.

"They all came yesterday or at 3 AM in the morning today." he says back to me and I just stare awkwardly at everyone in this room. I turn around to leave but then Zach grabs my hand.

"Don't leave." he says.

"Why? I don't know anyone in this room." I say back to him.

"I'll introduce you." he says smiling to me.

"Um, okay, fine! But I'm not staying here overnight." I say back to him.

"Everyone! This is Abbey White." says Zach.

"Um, hi!" I say awkwardly looking at everyone. They were all staring at me.

"Um, I'm Abbey. I'm Jordan's new neighbor." I say.

"Well nice to meet ya. I'm Parker." says a boy with curly brown hair and brown eyes.

"Nice to meet you Parker." I say shaking his hand.

Everyone introduces themselves to me and I feel a lot more comfortable around them. Parker was really funny. At 9 PM, I decided to leave.

"Bye!" I say before I leave.

I drive back home and I see a little present on my bed. There was a tag that said 'For Abbey White. From Zach. <3'

Heart? Does he like me? Do Jordan and Zach both like me? Just then I hear the door open and I put the present under my bed.


Okay, I'm pooped.



Confused (Bayani/Graser/Cube SMP fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora