Chapter 18

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Our schedule will be normal when Stephanie updates :P enjoy

Holy fudge 1k reads... agssilayegwvxydjsbf


-Abbey's POV-

I woke up the next morning before Zach ad Jordan. I sighed and got up and out of Zach's tight grip.

My shoulders hurt. So does my neck. Ugghh I shouldn't have slept on the floor..

I walked out of the room to make breakfast. Then I remembered there were, like, twenty people in this house.

Luckily Julio and Liam came in the kitchen (where she was).

"You want some help cooking?" Julio asked.

"Yes pleaseeeee." I begged (probably didn't use it right.. don't judge. I'm only 14 wait psh no I'm not).

"Ok tell us what to do." Liam said and rubbed his hands together.

"Wash your hands, first." I ordered them. After they washed their hands I told them to get out the ingredients for eggs, bacon, pancakes, and hot chocolate (I like joy chocolate in the mornings :3).

When I was cracking the eggs for the pancake mix a pair of hands wrapped themselves on my waist.

I turned around to see Zach smiling goofily. I laughed.

"What're you making?" He asked in his (sexy haha no stahp) morning voice (which everyone lovesssss apparently).

"Pancakes ya goof." I told him and he laughed. he let go of my waist and I turned around and started to whisk.

Zach say down on one of the tall chairs and watched me. We talked about random things as I whisked.

I noticed he didn't have a shirt on.

"Put a shirt on!" I demanded.

"What? You don't like what you see?" he joked but went upstairs. I rolled my eyes when he left but he said, "I know you rolled your eyes!"

I rolled my eyes again and laughed quietly.

I asked, "What are you guys doing today?"

Julio answered, "I think we're going sight seeing..."

"You guys are gonna look like tourists.." I say.

"Aye!" Julio said but I just laughed.

"Make sure to go eat on the restaurant on the top of the space needle once you guys are all done." I told them.

"Oh we will all right." Liam said.

"Good." I say and poured some of the mix in the pan.

-after breakfast was made-

I sat on the couch flipping through channels on the television. I wasn't really hungry today so I skipped breakfast (bad Abbey *shakes head and looks down*).

Zach sat down next to me.

He asked, "are you coming sight seeing with us?"

"No I'm good. I think I'll just stay home maybe talk to Will since he's not going either... (he's not going because he's going to spend like one week there, right?)" I answered.

"Okay. Why didn't you eat? You usually stuff your face with food in the morning." he asked.

I sighed. "I'm not that hungry today." I said. He nodded. Liam called him and said they had to record factions with Kevin.

I sighed as Zach left me alone here.



Done. it was short because I wanted it to be? but I think this book will be long... maybe I don't know.. it might end soon? but we might be doing a sequel... yea

But bye :D ~Bianca

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