Chapter 23

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So it's me Stephy again. IDK where Bianca is so I'm trying to do 1 chapter a week. That's better than nothing... right? ONTO THE STORY AND ENOUGH OF MY BLABBING!



-Will's POV-

We park somewhere far away and we carry her to the basement. It was clean and empty. Empty as in nothing but a chair, a bed, and a few knives and guns.

We drop her on the floor. It's so dark that we can't see anything. 

"Do we untie her?" asks Dan.

"Yea." I say. I lit a candle and we sit away from it. And we wait.

-Abbey's POV-

I wake up to see nothing but blackness. I stand up. Nothing but a lit candle. It's bait. The kidnappers make it dark so that the person they kidnap goes towards light. I kneel down and shuffle around. I hear whispering.

"I hear something." whispers a male voice. British.

"What time?" asks another. Also British. 

"1:30 AM." the first person says. 

"I'll go check." says a person. I lie back down in the same position.

The candle moves. It gets nearer and nearer. "You awake?" he whispers. Will?

"So you are awake." he says smirking. "Dan?" So Will and Dan. Why you do this?

"Let's have a little fun, shall we?" says Will as he picks me up and throws me on the bed. Holy Crap no! He ties me hands to the top of the bed so I can't escape. He takes a knife a cuts my shirt right down the middle. Probably making sure I don't leave. He rips that off then rips my pants off.

(This is very uncomfortable) 

"Dan, you or me first?" asks Will.

"I tried once, now it's your turn." he says and he places his hands on my breasts, then starts kissing me roughing. It felt like Jordan's kisses, so I decided to kiss back, just so I would forget I was with Will, and pretend I was making out with Jordan. I thought it would make me feel less guilty, but I felt more guilty. Now he wouldn't stop kissing me. he only did to take off his clothes, and even then I didn't scream.

"You scream your dead." says Will.

How did he know that...


I'm stopping there. Geez Loiuse I'm like, 'I don't want to do this, but I have to. No I don't, um, yes I do, no I don't, yes I do' 


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