Chapter 8

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You should know who dis is!


The girl had red hair. Just like the one at Starbucks. I take a photo of it and went back to the group. My heart was broken. I guess I'm not good enough for him. When he came back, he had no sympathy in his eyes. The Cube had to go do a meet up and I decided not to go. I needed to get away from Jordan.

"Guys, when you do the meet-up, I'm going outside for some fresh air." I say.

"Okay." says Devon as he goes inside.

"I'm coming with you." say Jordan.

"You have fans." I say to him. "Don't disappoint them."

"Okay, your right." he says with a sigh and goes inside. I decide to go back to my apartment.

On the ways back, I couldn't help but notice the girl that was kissing Jordan was following me.

"HEY!" she yells as I sat on the shore of a beach nearby.

"What do you want?" I ask looking at her. Cathy? What is she doing here? She was one of the people who bullied me. She was also Zach's ex.

"Hey, look. I know Jordan's your boyfriend, but stay away. He's MINE!" she half yells at me.

"What about Zach?" I ask her.

"I don't care for him. He don't like you." she says.

"Why are you trying to take Jordan away from me." I ask her.

"To ruin your life." she says before she punches me and my world became black. The last thing I remember was Cathy laughing wickedly and pain spreading though my body. 

-Jordan's POV-

When the meet up was over, we went to my apartment. We passed a beach and I noticed a figure lying down on the sand. Earlier that day, I saw Cathy at Pax near the washrooms. She came over to me and started kissing me. I thought she was Abbey because she's also beautiful, so I kissed back. This lasted for 5 minutes, until I went back to the group. I didn't think I did anything wrong, but Abbey stayed away from me. She went for a walk and I suppose she's home right now.

"Hey guys!" I say to them. "I see a figure." 

"Okay, let's go help them." says Zach and we rush over. As I got near, my eyes started watering. It was a girl with brown hair, and she looked a lot like Abbey. I walked 3 more steps until I stopped dead in my tracks. It was Abbey.

"Abbey." I whisper and I start crying.

"What's wrong?" asks Sean.

"Abbey was my girlfriend." I say to them and Zach balls up his fist.

"What about the photo everyone's been tweeting?" asks Julio. "You were kissing a girl with red hair." 

"Oh no." I say and I keep crying. Sean takes out his phone and dials 9-1-1. "Hello. My friend's girlfriend is on the beach. I think she's knocked out." A few seconds later he hangs up. "She'll be okay."

"She'll be okay, but she'll remember that I cheated on her." I say as Zach was looking at his phone.

"Isn't that my ex-girlfriend?" he asks. "What was her name?"

"Her name was Cathy." I say to him.

"Yep! That's my ex." he says as he puts his phone away. The ambulance comes and takes her to the hospital.

"Hey!" says Cathy as she walked up to me.

"What do you want?" I ask her. Everyone was watching.

"Come on!" she says grabbing my wrist.

"No!" I say firmly and I rip her hand of my arm. "Get away from me." 

"Okay, fine!" she says walking away.

"Okay, let's go." I say. I stayed in my apartment because I felt guilty. My girlfriend... or ex-girlfriend... is in the hospital and I cheated on her. Maybe I'm not the best man for her. She'd be better with Zach. He'd take better care of her. A phone call disturb es my thoughts. The caller ID, Hospital.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi! I would like to inform you take Abbey is now awake. You can meet her now." says the nurse.

"Okay, thank you." I say and I hang up. I call Zach.

"Zach, Abbey's awake. She's in the hospital one block east of the Cube House. I'll meet you there." I say.

"Okay." he replies and I hang up. "At least she's safe." I think to myself as I make my way to the hospital.



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