17. Percy's Quest to the West

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Percy's P.O.V.

After talking with Chiron and making sure everything was all set for me to leave. He granted me permission and promised to help me keep my mission secret. Now I just had to find Annabeth. This part was not going to be smooth, I knew she would fight me on it, and I just hoped she wouldn't judo-flip me...again.

As I made my way to Cabin Three, I found Annabeth speaking with her brothers and sisters.

"Annabeth!" I called, jogging over to her. She turned and smiled.

"Hey Percy." Annabeth's blonde hair was still slightly wet, and a little less curly. She must have just gotten out of the shower. "Where did you get off to?"

"I had to talk to Chiron." Here we go, I thought, Lie like your life depends on it. "I got message from Camp Jupiter."

"What about? Is everything alright?" She furrowed her brow. So far so good.

"Nothing is wrong, but I'm needed out there. Their naiads aren't communicating and they are causing chaos. I was asked to come out and help. You know, son of the sea god. Maybe I could get them to cooperate." You babbled too much! She stood there scrutinizing me, as I tried to hide my lie from my eyes. The silence went on for a while, with her siblings awkwardly standing nearby, I was struggling to keep it together.

"I'm coming too." Annabeth said turning to head into her mother's cabin. "Let me talk-"

"No." Uh-oh. Annabeth whipped around with an angered yet confused expression.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm going to be gone for a few days. I don't want you in danger yet. It's been three months since you've trained and you know how dangerous it is to be around me." Her face was red with anger, and she glared at me with a look that put Medusa to shame.

"Perseus Jackson. I am going with you." She put so much poison in her words, I could feel myself staring to lose my cool.

"Annabeth." I tied to reason while reaching for her hands, but she yanked them away.

"Chiron will let me go." She stormed off towards the Big House, leaving me to stand there awkwardly with her siblings.

"Um... Percy?" Kalliope said, "Why don't you want her going with you? Really? You know she's a great fighter, even if she hasn't practiced in a while." I turned to face Kalliope, Could she see through the lies?

"I just don't want to put her in danger again. I should have been able to keep her safe during that attack, but-" I cringed and shook my head at the memory of that night. "I just want to make it there and back as quick and safe as possible. And for me, that's asking a lot."

"Alright." She spoke softly before turning to head back into Cabin Six.

"Sorry you were stuck in the middle of that." I apologized. She nodded and closed the door behind her. I jogged over to the Big House just as Chiron and a furious Annabeth walked out onto the porch.

"I am sorry, dear, but I am not comfortable with you leaving until I am confident your skills are back to normal." Chiron denied her.

"Chiron!" Annabeth was infuriated. She saw me approaching and took a chance to lunge at me. "Do you think I'm incapable too?" She tried to strike me but I ducked out of the way, which almost seemed to anger her more. She pushed me and stormed off, her almost dry curls bobbing fervently.

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