12. Losing Her

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I am so, so sorry. But you are going to cry. This hurts me to write this, but I must. Thank you! Don't forget to comment and vote!


Percy's P.O.V.

The battle against the hydra-to say the least-was hell.

I took a team of about thirty campers, and we fought. Campers streamed out in battle armor and began fighting. Apparently some campers had never heard of the hydra.

Needless to say, there were around twenty heads by the time we killed it.

"Come on! Distract it!" I told my team. I was trying to leave room for Jason to strike its heart with lightning. Its heads were getting in the way, and every time he missed, it just made they hydra angrier.

I slashed Riptide though it's hide, and it roared in anger. "It isn't dying!" Someone yelled. No kidding! I thought. All the campers around it were getting cut and burned, it was infuriating that it wasn't dying. Why? Nothing could be so powerful... unless it was summoned. Who would summon this bloody thing?

Looking up I saw Jason trying to distract it to look up so he had a clear shot. One of the hydra's heads came down and I ran trying to jab it in the eye. I succeeded and the hydra reeled in pain.

Next thing I knew I was flying through the air. Another of the hydra's heads smashed into me and sent me soaring another direction. I slammed into the ground in pain. I looked up and saw about eight other campers lying around me, moaning.


Annabeth's P.O.V.

"Annabeth!" I heard my name called by one of my brothers. "No matter what we do it won't die!"

"I know. Try to make a straight shot from Jason to its heart!" I shouted over the hydra's thunderous roar.

There were so many of the campers around trying to distract it, it might have worked, but something was different, there was a stronger force keeping it here and not letting it die.

It looked preoccupied by Jason-it's main threat-and it almost looked like it was searching for something with its other heads.

Scanning the hydra, I was looking for a weak point on its body. They hydra's skin was tough but even some of the deep cuts should have killed it.

There was a point beneath its claws where the skin would be weak. It could stop him long enough for Jason to kill it. Problem is getting there, I could get killed... or just hurt.

I can heal.

And if it gives Jason a shot, it's worth it.

I ran, weaving through campers attacking it. The hydra roared and swung its head sending campers flying, then, it began to move. He must have seen what he was looking for. I doubled my speed and ran towards its lifted foot. I grabbed a sword from a camper-my new dagger wouldn't do for this-and continued just as fast.

Suddenly, I felt as though time slowed, I stopped running and positioned myself beneath its claw. I heard someone scream my name as the foot came down and the claw enveloped me. The sword ran straight through its foot, causing it to scream bloody murder.

The immense pressure was crushing my body. I felt a snap followed by strong pain somewhere on my body, but I couldn't scream, the hydra was crushing my lungs. I heard a deafening blast and another scream from the hydra as it dissipated into gold dust above me. The pressure was instantly gone, and the feeling of filling my lungs was so good it hurt.

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