Chapter 29

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
I change Leo into his sleeping clothes and put him to sleep. I then take a shower and change into my nightwear and go to sleep too...

The entire week goes by without much drama. If the Russians still trying to steal our shipments is termed as drama, then we still have that. Well keyword: trying. They don't succeed. They get killed and a few that survive are brought in to torture for more information. But we still have the same information and that is just the time, which is pretty much the same every time minus the past time of course.

From the talks we had with the others, they said their time limit is 3 months. Apparently, the Russians were to get weapons from another source but our hackers tracked down who it was. My brothers and cousins gave the dealer better payment than the Russians and took the shipment. Leaving the Russians to go back to stealing. We had quite an argument that they hid the information from us girls but they said that they had it under control and didn't want us to worry much. But even without the dealer's shipment, their time limit did not go back which was confusing. Our hackers tried to get out information from the surrounding gangs and Mafias and the result was that the Russians were able to steal their shipments and are still being able to. I mean once or twice, i can understand. But can't you learn from your past mistakes and guard your shipments and weapons better?

Anyway, tonight, we are going to our gang ally's party to interrogate the men they caught and see if we can find more information or not. My opinion is i hack into their systems and find the leader's location and fucking kill him before he can even attack us. But the problem there is that someone else will become the leader and again they will try attacking us. It's like an endless loop. I do have an ultimate plan though to keep this in control but I still want to meet this Irina Ivanov before i think further. If she and her husband are trustworthy then, maybe i can go further with the ultimate plan.

But that is for after tonight thinking plan, for now, here i am in my room with all my girls including Ava. It is already 4pm and we have to leave at 7pm. So, we are getting ready. We are helping each other with make-up, hairstyles and nails. By 6:30pm, we have all finished with everything. So, we one by one put on our dresses and we are ready.

 So, we one by one put on our dresses and we are ready

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