Chapter 25

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Zandrea' s POV

Previously in the story,
We come to a stop and he puts me down.
Ace~"Open your eyes now."
I open them and what i see infront of me shocks me.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I can't help the tears that are flowing down my eyes to come to a stop. My right hand on my mouth and tears flowing down my eyes as I look around me taking in the entire scene.

I and Ace are standing in a heart made my candles. On one side of the heart it says 'MARRY ME'.

 On one side of the heart it says 'MARRY ME'

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Once done looking around, I turn to look at Ace

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Once done looking around, I turn to look at Ace. He talks my left hand in his right and gets down on one knee.
Zandrea~"Acee.." it comes out as a whisper.

Ace~"I know it hasn't been long since we got back together but i just feel like i need you in my life, baby. As my Queen, as my equal, as my supporter, as my comforter in my stress and as my biggest strength.
The first time when i saw you in highschool and you completely ignored me, i knew you were different. When you finally said yes to going out with me, i couldn't tell you want that meant. You were my first everything and i was yours and that just made the entire situation special.
You are amazing, sexy, feisty, strong, independent, sweet, loyal and beautiful. You mean the entire world to me. I have loved you for a long time and promise to continue loving and caring for you, baby. We have been through a lot but i have made up my mind that i am not leaving you ever again. I can't even imagine my life without you now. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
I am all yours baby as long as you will have me and i want that to be an eternity. Please, baby would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

He says as he holds out the box with a beautiful ring in it. He looks at me with so many emotions running in his eyes; love, adoration, hope, excitement, nervousness.

Zandrea~"Yes yes yes!" I say as i nod my head with tears still flowing down. He puts the beautiful ring on my finger and stands up and kisses me with so much passion and love. He pulls away and hugs me so tight as if i will disappear any moment.
Zandrea~"I love you baby. I love you a lott."
Ace~"I love you too il mio amore."

We pull apart and Ace wipes the tears that are left to be wiped. He kisses me one more time.
Ace~"Do you like the ring?" He says as he lifts my left hand.

Ace~"Do you like the ring?" He says as he lifts my left hand

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Zandrea~"Like? No baby. I fucking love it. It is perfect."
Ace~"No baby. You are perfect."

We just hold each other for a minute or two. And i hear footsteps coming towards us so, i turn in the direction to see who it is?
Zander~"Congrats twinny."
Amara~"That was so beautiful Ace. Congratulations."
I see everyone here. Both my and Ace's family. They all come and give us a hug and congratulate us. Now i realize, Ace and papa might have been talking about this. I know Ace and i also know that he would never take a huge step like this before asking permission from my papa. He is really thoughtful and respectful. He is just the perfect man, one would ever want.

Once everything is settled, we all head home. I and Leo are to stay at Ace's place tonight. We already have a few clothes there so it is no big deal. The big deal is I want to take the next step in my and Ace's relationship. I know he has been patient with me and has respected me. But i just feel like it is the perfect moment to take the next step.

We reach Ace's home and i change Leo and put him to sleep in his baby room near Ace's room. I take a long shower trying to calm my nerves. I know it won't be our first time with each other but it was has been almost a year.

I go out with only a towel wrapped around me. I see Ace on his bed with his phone. He has changed and is only in his shorts. The moment he hears the door open, he looks up from his phone towards me. The shock on his face is clear.
Ace~"Babe, you want me to go out so you can get dressed?"
Ace~"Noo?" He asks confused.
I don't say anything instead i walk towards him and i can see him swallow hard. He is trying to restrain himself. I bend over him and pull his face towards mine and kiss him hard filled with passion.

He pulls me on top of him so that i am straddling him. He holds me tightly as he kisses me just as hard.
Ace~"We should stop, till we can."
Zandrea~"How about no?"
Ace~"You know we can wait till you want?"
Zandrea~"I know but i want it now."
Ace~"You sure?"
He didn't waste another moment.


The next morning i woke up with Ace's arm wrapped around me. I blush as soon as i remember last night's events and i am also filled with immense love for this man asleep next to me. I drag my nails on his arm that is wrapped around my waist as i just look at him sleeping. He pulls me closer to him.
Ace~"Good morning my beautiful fiancé."
Zandrea~"Good morning handsome."

He opens his eyes and looks at me. I smile and kiss him.
Zandrea~"Have you thought about when exactly you want us to get married?"
Ace~"Yess. On Leo's first birthday which will be in 4 months." That brings a smile on my face.
Ace~"I missed the time he was born and it makes me sad. I want that very day to be the day we get married so, i can still believe that it will stay the best day of our life."
Zandrea~"Babe am sorry i didn't tell you."
Ace~"Baby it was my fault too. Now don't spoil the moment. We will make that day more special by get married on that day." He says as he kisses me.
Ace~"By the way babe, next week we have to go to a party. It is of a gang that is loyal to both Italians and Americans. It has something to do with the Russians. I and your brothers will give you and the rest of the girls all the details that you need to know. But i just wanted you to go out with the girls and get a beautiful dress as i am sure they also will be going with us."
Zandrea~"Are you indirectly asking me to be your date?" I say with a smirk on my face.
Ace~"Yess my beautiful cheeky fiancé that is exactly what am saying." He says as he starts tickling me. And i try to wiggle awat from him as i laugh. Once he stops, he kisses me.

Then, we decide to get up and freshen up. Ace has a lot of mafia work to do since the Russians are being a pain in the ass. And as Ace said i have to go with the girls to buy a dress. Maybe i might even get some info about this gang from them.
As said yesterday, new chapter updated today. I didn't get lots of votes or comments but this chapter is for those that did.😘 Hope you like it.

Do vote and comment.💕
Love you guys.

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