Chapter 13

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
I too sleep with one thought in my mind- 'Who knows what the future will bring?'

It has been one month that I, Leo and Alessia came to live with the rest of my family in Italy. This entire month has been fun. We all did alot of sibling bonding things. Watching movies till late nights. Going to street races with the twins and triplets. Going to street fights with Romeo, Vincenzo, Zander and Matteo. Doing a few mafia missions mainly killing the fucking Russians who are trying to steal our weapons. Going to family dinners. I have done alot of shopping this entire month. In this month, I, Alessia and my brothers' girlfriends have become really close. We have become best friends, a squad of six.

I did not get alot of time with my elder brothers and cousins because they are helping in the preparation of the Coronation ceremony of the American Mafia, that is in a week. The leader's eldest son is to take over the Mafia business from his father. I got to know that The American Mafia's leader is my papa's close friend and his eldest son is also close friends with some of my brothers and cousins. Their mafia and ours' are the strongest mafia in the world and they are also our allies.

Since they are close friends of our family and are our allies, we all have to attend the Coronation at their mansion and also help with the arrangements. They are the American Mafia but apparently their main base is here in Italy and they also live here. Many other mafia leaders and gang leaders will be there with their family. It is a very important event for all the mafias and gangs so they have to be there.

So, all this brings us here in this big ass mall for a dress shopping again. Ughhh after all this shopping that i was forced to do by my brothers, i am hating it. Alessia, as always has found her dress. Even my aunts and my new 4 best friends have found theirs, only mine is left. And am hungry and angry and frustrated. Apparently, papa and grandpa want to show the rest of the Mafias and gangs how beautiful their princess is. They want me to get a beautiful and elegant dress for this Coronation as if it is my own brother's Coronation. But when those two say that you have to do something, you better do it. I learnt that the hard way in this one month of mine.

We have been here in this mall for 4 hours now. And have been to 13 shops already. The dresses i like my aunts don't like them. They say it is too simple for THE ONLY ITALIAN MAFIA PRINCESS. And the dresses they select are not my type. So, here we are going to the 14th shop of the day. If i dont find a dress there, i am going home. I will come back some other day. The moment we enter the shop, Alessia runs inside and stops in front of a beautiful and elegant dress that is definitely my type.
Alessia~"THIS IS DEFINITELY IT. Go try it on." she screams causing everyone in the mall to look at us. I apologize to them and get the dress and go to the changing room. The moment i put it on, i know this is it. I love it. I go out and see what everyone has to say. But i know even if they say no, i am buying it.
Aunt Sofia~"Ohh my Goddd. Am gonna cry. I feel like we are doing your wedding shopping, cara." (dear)
Aunt Emilia~"I agree Sophia. Honey, you look really beautiful. You look like an angel."
Amara~"You look smoking hot girl."
Elena~"Woahh i would definitely hit on you if i swang both sides."she winks.
Alessia~"Every guy is gonna look at you babe." she says with a wink.
Zandrea~"Hahaa thank you my bitches." i give the both of them a wink too.

We pay for the dress. Do some jewelry and shoe shopping. Then head towards the food court because am sooo hungry. We eat and then go home. I had left Leo with Damon so i go get him. We, then play with Leo and watch a movie with some of my brothers and cousins. We sleep right there in the movie room for the night.

Ace's POV (Surprise)

I am in my office taking care of the remaining arrangements for my coronation day. I have added a lot of security because there will many mafia leaders and gangs. Especially since the Russians will be there and they are wanting to start a war again as the Italians informed us. So, i want my men to be ready in case they plan on turning my coronation into a blood bath. The Italian mafia, which is like a family too, has helped a lot in all the preparations and i cannot be any less grateful for their help.

I am taking over the American Mafia from my father and am still not happy. I wanted the love of my life to be with me on this special occasion of my life. About 15-16 months ago, i met this amazing woman, Zandrea and just seeing and talking to her, i knew she is the one and that she is perfect to be my Queen. She was caring, loving, sassy, strong, independent and soo beautiful. We date for like 7 months. We both lost our virginities to each other. I know it is shocking because i am a mafia leader's son and all but i just did not want to loss my virginity to any random girl. And eventhough i loved her so much, I had to break her heart and leave her because of some reasons. After the reasons were solved, which took about 8 months, I tried to look for her, i told all my hackers to focus on her but someone was distracting us but we didn't stop and were still looking for her. I stopped the search last month temporarily because all my men were in preparation for me to take over. I will resume the search after my coronation. I wish i can find her, get on my knees and ask for her forgiveness. I will do anything to get her back to me. I just wish i can find her.

Back to the coronation day, dad wants me to get a date and take her with me. He knows about Zandrea but he feels like i will never find her. But, i think i will soon find her. I have this strong feeling that it will be soon, really soon. So, i clearly told him no. Even my best friend, Elijah who is going to be my second in command, tried to talk me into taking a date. He has tried taking me to clubs so i can sleep with some other girl so i can forget about Zandrea. But i can't, every girl i see, i compare her to my queen. And they never reach even close to my queen. So, I have not been with any girl since i left my queen.

Once am done with all the work, i leave my office and head home. With two thoughts in mind- 'I just hope my Coronation day ends without any issues and fights and that I just hope i get my queen soon.'
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