Chapter 11

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Zandrea's POV

Previously in the story,
I and Alessia decide to stop when 10 minutes are left. And just then, we see the rest entering the gym for our first trial...

I and Alessia are confident that we can take down any man even one who is twice our size.
Adriano~"This is Nicco and Max. They are the first and second strongest fighters we have."
They both look fit and they do look like they are strong.
Adriano~"Since Zandrea, you are of mafia blood, you will fight the strongest, Nicco and Alessia wll fight the second strongest, Max."
Lorenzo~"Rules: No fatal blows. No breaking bones. And the winner is by knock out or tap out."
Zandrea & Alessia~"Okay."
Alonzo~"First it is Alessia and Max then it will be Zandrea and Nicco."

Alessia obviously won but, to be honest, it was not an easy fight. Max was pretty tough. It took 15 minutes to finish their fight. Now here i am in the ring, waiting for the FIGHT command from Adriano.

Nicco starts bobbing around in the ring and i just observe his movements trying to find a weak spot. I realize he mainly keeps his weight on his right leg. I can see a scar above his left knee and i think i got his weak spot. As i bob around, he does the same to me but luckily i have none.
Zandrea~"Do not go easy on me because am a girl." i say with a smirk on my face.
Nicco~"I was thinking of doing that before but after seeing your posture, i know that you know what you are doing."

From his stance, i know he is one of those fighters that hits hard. But, i don't think his left leg can handle it. He still comes to me running and throws punch after punch to my face. I skillfully dogde and block all his punches. I can see him getting angry and tired so i throw a punch to his face and then kick his chest sending him backwards. And he gains his balance really quick, but before he can register anything, i sprint towards him and leap onto him. I wrap my legs around his neck and bend backwards, taking him to the ground with me. Before he can realize what happened, i roll onto me and throw punch after punch to his face. He, then picks me up with the energy he has left and throws me to the side of the ring. We both stand up. He comes towards me but i throw a roundhouse kick, knocking him out instantly.

I turn to look at my family. I see all of them looking at me with pride and adoration in their eyes.
Grandpa~"Yeaa. That's my granddaughter." I give him a big smile.
Papa~"Well done bambina."
Zandrea~"Thank you papa." i give him a side hug and take a smiling and giggling Leo from him and kiss his entire face making him laugh.
Adriano~"Well done both of you. Go freshen up and rest. We will meet at dinner at 8. We will talk about the second trial there."

Everyone leaves and either goes to do some work or to their rooms. I go to my room and prepare a bath. I and Leo get in it. I play with him and relax in the bath. After around 30 minutes, i get out, get dressed and also dress Leo. I feed him and put him to sleep. I check the time and it is 4 pm so i decide to have a nap.

I wake up to Leo crying. I pick him up and notice he needs a diaper change. I change his diaper, feed him and put him down on a blanket with his toys. I get changed and go downstairs to the lounge with Leo. I see Romeo, Zander, Vincenzo, the twins and the triplets talking about girls. When they see me, they greet me and fight for Leo. They decide to have 15 minutes with him each. We start talking about the fight earlier and other things.

At 8, we go to the dining table. I put Leo in his baby chair next to me. Everyone is already there. As we are eating, Adriano breaks the silence.
Adriano~"Zandrea, Alessia, i have to go to work tomorrow at 9:30 am and i will be back late at night. If you want we can postponed the second trial to the next day, or we can do it early morning like at 8:30."
Alessia~"We will do it in the morning at 8:30 no problem. Right Zandrea?"
Zandrea~"Yup. No problem."
Adriano~"Okay. So, that means all of you have to wake up early and be at the meeting room by 8:30."

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