~2~ Weekend Adventures

Comenzar desde el principio

The doorbell rings and Les sprints over to answer it. He hugs Sally fiercely. Sally is a pretty girl with long curly blond hair, and green eyes. She's around 5'9 which means she's taller than Les who's 5'7.

"Hey Sally" Sarah says engulfing the girl in a hug. "How ya been?"

"I've been okay, I missed you lot though." She walks over to me and puts her arms out. We embrace. "Hi, Davey, how've you been?"

"I've been good. It's nice to see you." I pat her shoulder.

"Shall we get going then?" Sarah asks grabbing her keys from the counter.

"Yes, yes, hurry up you slow pokes." Les says running out the door.

The three of us look at each other and laugh, shaking our heads. We follow him outside to the car. Les and Sally sit in the back, while Sarah drives and I sit in the passenger seat. Sarah turns on some Harry Styles and the four of us drive down the road screaming the songs.



"Really, 'I have tests to study for'" I say doing air quotations, "was the best you could come up with?" I say to the blond boy who is currently spooning me.

"What was I supposed to say Racer?" Spot replies, burring his face into my neck."That I am currently laying half naked with another half naked boy in my bed and I would rather not be disturbed?"

I shrug. "Well your so adamant about keeping" I pause. "Whatever this is, private. So, no probably not that." I turn over to face him. "You still could've thought of something better though." I poke his cheek.

He grumbles. "Go back to sleep Racer."

I don't. But after a few minutes he is sound asleep cuddled against me. I listen to the sounds of him breathing. His face looks peaceful for once. I love these moments, when he drops his bad boy exterior and is calm. I never thought I would see this side of him, but it's quite pleasant.

Now I have no idea how I ended up "fuck buddies" with Spot Conlon. We have been friends for a while and then one day we just, well, fucked. It's more than sex though. We hang out often and he's not afraid to be himself around me.

The reason that nobody can know about us is because he's heavily in the closet. I doubt the Newsies would care, most of us are some form of queer anyways. I bet even Davey is bi at least, I keep seeing him throw pinning looks at Jack.

Spot is scared though and wants us to keep this private. I understand, and respect his choice. It's still difficult for me because I want him to be my boyfriend and I want to proudly show him off.

Everyone views him as this emotionless, mean person. Spot grew up in Brooklyn and was quite well known there. He had a rough childhood so he pushes people away and keeps his emotions bottled up.

Spot was abused by his parents when he was little. They died in a car crash when he was twelve. He was in foster care for two years until he was finally adopted by Mr. Denton, which is why Spot goes to High school here in Manhattan.

Mr. Denton knows that Spot is Gay. The way he found out is quite awkward. One time while Spot and I were making out he came into the room, without knocking may I add.

I play with Spot's hair while he sleeps. The peaceful expression on his face stays. I am so in love with this boy. I always have been. When we were fourteen I was still coming to terms with my sexuality. After becoming best friends, I was no longer confused. I was fifteen when I realized I loved him, and this year I found out the feeling was mutual.

Spot wasn't as asleep as I thought. He pulled me closer to his chest. "Go to sleep Racer." He kisses my hair.

This time I listen. We fall asleep embracing each other.



I face plant into my bed. We were at the mall for FIVE HOURS. Seriously, why'd we need to be there so long? My legs are aching.

We went into so many stores my brain can't remember them all. I only bought stuff from Urban Outfitters and Rue21 though. From Urban I got a cream sweater and matching bucket hat, and from Rue21 I got some graphic t-shirts and a windbreaker.

Les and Sally immediately ran off on their own when we got there, which left me to shop with Sarah. Note to self, don't shop with Sarah alone or you will be at the mall for five hours and go into every store.

When we left we found Les and Sally on a bench Les sleeping on her shoulder. He's a deep sleeper so I had to carry him to the car. It's not enough that I had to carry Sarah's shopping bags but then I had to carry a one hundred and twenty pound, sleeping boy.

I don't even take the time to take my items out of their bags and put them in the laundry. I kick off my shoes and get under the covers. I'm so tired that it only takes a couple minutes for me to fall asleep.

When I wake up it's around six pm. I hear dad yell from downstairs that it's time for dinner. "Give me a minute!" I respond.

I pull out my phone and see I have a couple messages. The first one is from Crutchie.

Gimpleg- hey wanna come over tomorrow and study for physics?
Google4snakefacts-  sure,what time?

Gimpleg- does one o'clock work for you?

Google4snakefacts- yep, see you then!

The other text is from Race asking for the Calculus homework. I send him the answers and then go downstairs for dinner.

A/N: sorry this chapter is pretty short, I didn't really have any clue what this chapter was going to be about.

I hope you liked it!
(1.4K words)

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