Chapter 2

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Thanks for all the love on the first chapter! Glad to see you all really like it. Let's continue then, shall we?

I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache. I groaned, my hand flopping over my eyes to block the sun streaming in from the window. Even though my eyes weren't open, the exposure to light still made my head pound. Why didn't I close my shade last night? I felt a shiver run through my body, and I realized that I was naked. Hm, maybe it was just one of those nights. 

When I finally dared to open my eyes, I realized why I was feeling this way. I was laying naked in a familiar California King, with a very naked Perrie Edwards laying wrapped around me. 

My eyes widened and I let out a little whimper. Please tell me we didn't ...

My heart rate increased dramatically as Perrie let out a yawn and snuggled impossibly closer to me, her head resting right over my heart on my chest. Her eyes fluttered, but they remained shut. There was no way the erratic beating of my heart wouldn't wake her up, I reasoned. 

But I didn't want her to wake up. I didn't want to see her eyes open and watch her realize what we'd done. I didn't want to watch the same horror I felt take over her expression when she realized that she'd cheated on her boyfriend. With me.

As if she could sense my agitated thoughts, Perrie stirred and slowly opened her eyes, blinking sleep away. I ran my hand through her hair, opting to give her the easiest wake up possible before her conscience was ruined. 

"Morning," she mumbled, her tired gaze travelling over my stomach, my chest, and up to my face. At first her eyes clouded over with confusion, then widened with realization. "Jade ... "

She looked up into my eyes, seeing the regret and guilt residing there. She let out a scream and launched herself away from me, frantically grabbing at a blanket to cover herself up. 

I winced, the loud sound making my head pound. "Pez," I said, my dry throat making me unable to do more than talk barely above a whisper. 

"How can you be so calm?!" Perrie shrieked, waving her hand around frantically while she held the blanket up with the other hand. "This is bad, Jade. Really bad!"

"I know that," I replied, my throat aching when I tried to raise my voice to match hers, "but right now my head fucking hurts and I can't even think without it killing me. Is this how bad hangovers always are?"

Perrie paused her panic and looked at me with sympathy. "Depends on how much you drink," she replied, and I could tell she was fighting to keep her voice quieter. 

I groaned, covering my face with my hands. "Of course." All of a sudden a wave of nausea hit me and I sprung out of the bed and rushed into the connected bathroom, throwing myself in front of the toilet just in time. 

I emptied the meager contents of my stomach into the bowl, my chest heaving and my head throbbing. I slumped back against the wall only to lean forward again a minute later, my moody shaking violently. Pain washed over me in waves, hot and cold each time I heaved. In that moment, I didn't care that I was kneeling naked in Perrie's bathroom in front of the toilet.

I jumped when I felt a gentle touch on my back. "It's okay," Perrie said soothingly, her hand beginning rub soft circles on my back as she gathered up my hair in the other one. In that moment I found myself eternally grateful for my best friend, not only because she was being extremely comforting, but because the smell of vomit always made her throw up and hangovers made it worse. 

When the nausea finally subsided I leaned back, allowing Perrie to gather me in her arms. I touched my face, and realized tears had been streaming down my face the whole time. I felt her body tense, and I move out of the way as quickly as I could, pushing the flusher down as I went. That way, at least she would throw up into a cleaner bowl. 

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