|Elite pt2|

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Timotheé pov

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Timotheé pov


Y/n bloody shriek echoes throughout the ballroom, when she see's her dad lifeless body. Her mother weeps on the ground next to him with his pool of blood, making her slightly struggle to kneel beside him from how bad it is. I quickly get out of my seat and rush over to   Y/ n. Her fathers blood stains her dress and skin, and her body trembles when we come to contact. I try to take y/n from the scene, but before I could process, her hand snakes to her guards gun belt and she shoots at the assassin, creating a bigger issue. My family instantly goes to her family side. And the Campbells all stand up exposing themselves and angered at my family, for not punishing Y/n for stepping out of the line. I grab the gun away from Y/n and drop it to the table, as she crashes into my chest and sobs uncontrollably. I shush and rub her back whispering sweet nothings.

"Take her away son." Dad orders.

I nod and a even amount of both of our guards take us out of the ballroom. My dad just saw his best friend get killed, Y/n is torn apart and I don't know what to say or do to ease the pain. I get handed a umbrella and I open it when we reach outside of the palace. I feel her cling onto me harder by each memory of her dad flashing in her head. I hold her till the suv pulls up to us. She gets in and I follow her in. I order we go to my house and I hold y/n till she cries herself to sleep. Her mascara and hot tears have stained her cheeks, even in distress she's gorgeous...I just hope she can make it through this.
2 weeks later

Y/n has been depressed around my penthouse, but I'd rather have her here then by herself. Only people that we're close to us we're allowed to check on her, my dad even teared up when Y/n and her mother sobbed together in my living room. Every night she used to cry till she became numb. I have been trying to cheer her up, but I can't relate to what she's going through so I'm doing small things to make a tiny smile on that face of her's. Mrs. Y/l/n hasn't took this easy one bit, but mother has been taking care of y/n mom. I'm happy that we treat the y/l/n like family because I couldn't imagine what would've happened if they had no support. I open master bedroom door and she's knotted up in my white sheets looking out of the view of Paris. I sigh and walk over to her and sit by her. Her tired eyes flick to me and I push a strand of her hair back.

"I can't let you stay in bed y/n you know that." I sigh.

She turns around and looks at me with a painful expression, almost as she is going to break down again. I sigh and engulf her in my arms and gently rub her back as she lets it out.

"I miss him Timotheé he was a genuinely good man to my mom and I, I mean sure he used people to be at the top but deep down he was amazing and caring." She cries.

I rock the both of us and tears start falling down from my face as well. Our dads were so close, Y/n dad was almost like a uncle to me. We'd go to each other's for holidays and vacations with each other. He talked to me about business and I could tell he didn't want to over throw my father, he liked the relationship they had. In our world people are greedy and even though you have to have greed, Y/n dad didn't have enough greed to hurt the ones he loved.  Something I admire about him to this day.

"Look I made you a bath and your dress is on the counter take all the time you need love." I address before going to the guest room to get dressed for the funeral.

Sobbing and windy rain is in the atmosphere as the casket is lowered inside the tomb

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Sobbing and windy rain is in the atmosphere as the casket is lowered inside the tomb. Dad and mom helps y/m/n up to guide her to the car as they close the door of the family tomb. I look over at Y/n and she's so hurt that she can't do anything, or even move. Her eyes are pink and puffy from all of her silent tears, but her eyes are still glued on the closed doors. I take my hand out of my pockets and grab hers reassuringly. She looks over at me and nods, signaling she's ready to go.

Y/n pov

My fathers legacy is going to be passed down to Timotheé and Mr.Chalamet is going to have a talk with him tonight. Last week when Mom and his parents came, I overheard Mom and Mrs. Chalamet in the hallway. Mom wants us to marry so Timotheé can hand our businesses over to them and Mrs.Chalamet wants us join to their family in the elite world. It would give us protection, but I've watched and learned from dad more than Timotheé. I really do trust Timotheé but I don't want to be like those background wives, I know I am more than that. I'm offended because I, my fathers offspring doesn't have any say in this. I haven't even fully mourned over him and I'm trying to process this news.

Timotheé opens the car door for me and I get in and stare off at the window. One thing is I will get my revenge on a Campbell and get the businesses that are rightfully mine.

Imagine/one shots-Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now