Tough Times

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Akademi is a prestigious school that many would love to be in but for a few weeks now it has become questionable in the safety of the students and faculty. In the first week, a student, Osana Najimi, was found dead inside a school locker. Her close friend Raibaru who was a strong-minded individual with strong physic and was known to be optimistic now became hollow from the incident.

Raibaru remains now as a shadow of the girl she used to be. Mindlessly walking the hallways slouched and alone, with no one to talk to. A person who always was seen by Osana's side consumed by guilt for not protecting her, on not being able to do anything about it. Her only companions now where the martial arts club but even then the closeness was never the same.

The second week another student, Amai Odayaka, appeared to have been brutally murdered on the school grounds. No evidence of who could have done such a crime was found thus becoming a mystery but it only increased the school's fear and worry. The cooking club was now disbanded since the leader was no longer with them. The club members now are lost on what they should do. Join another potential club, try to move on from here joyous craft, or just ponder further on what is going on. Members are now more saddened and in despair.

Next on the third week, another student, Kizana Sunobu, has gone missing. Has such a result the Drama club had no choice but to disband as well, with the members crying for their leader to come back safe and sound. Her parents held the threat of suing the school for their missing daughter.

Such legal threats made the school's reputation more and more damning.

The school just become more hollow and darkened with fear.

The school morale only became hostile with students blaming and creating more chaos as a consequence of not knowing a thing about the perpetrator or who will be next. So what comes next? what will happen now to Akademi?

Only a few students will manage to change the school in any way they can.

Akademi High School
Meeting room
8:00 am

Akademi High was silent. No students walking around compared to the weekdays. Even so, Genka Kunahito, Akademis' guidance counselor, felt an ominous presence in the school's hallways. Genka throughout her career never felt such hopelessness as she is feeling right now. Her students at this school should not ever feel such fear that is present now more than ever before. Though, she will have a personal word with the school's principal more so now that she only predicts that the school will only go downhill if no interference is done. Has a guidance counselor it was time she now more than ever work hard to keep the students of Akademi High safe by any means necessary.

As she opens the door to the meeting room, she watches how the faculty is ranting abruptly with panic.

" What are we supposed to do?"

"What do you mean we go about this like any other day, my students don't even want to come to class anymore!"

"The students are supposed to feel safe with us now be in such fear!"

Genka felt in her bones that something needed to be done now. So she speaks with a firm voice, "What is going on here?" closing the door behind her once she stands inside the room. Her posture held a strong front to fill the room with some kind of comfort like protection from the unknown boogieman that began haunting the school.

A teacher spoke, "The principal is planning on putting more security measures but let's face it, it just won't do enough" as they looked at the ground sorrowful. Another voice followed, "The school does not need more metal detectors or having cameras shoved all over the place we need to do something more". Teachers go one by one saying 'as to what are we suppose to do'.

Then the man of the hour arrived, even if he was a few minutes late. Kocho Shuyona, the headmaster of Akademi High School, stood by the door right next to Genka. Kocho looked at the room and gestured for everyone to sit down.

Genka sat down next to the school nurse who was looking at her clipboard which was stacked with many papers. The nurse only glanced towards her and gave a small smile before looking back at her papers with a frown. Genka just sighed and looked toward Kocho.

Kocho began the meeting, "Let us start with the facts. It is happening again. After all these years again with these missing people and the dead" his already-fisted hands were trembling with unknown terror. "And as such, as I hate to do, have put more metal detectors and cameras all around the school. With all this being said nothing else will be done until evidence comes to light and that police investigation is over."

Everyone was shocked. Genka just looked at him, eyes widen and arms crossed gripping her arms hard, leaving potential crescent moons on her skin through her black suit. A teacher proclaimed, "That's it! Nothing else!" then more chaos erupted. Genka only glared at the table in front of her, seeing the polished table with papers on top, 'How can this be happening, what can this possibly accomplish? There will only be more deaths. How long before this nightmare ends?' head down in shame and closing her eyes wishing this nightmare to end.

The nurse next to her looked at everyone in the room worried and then noticed Genka. She stared not knowing what to say, then she patted her with her smooth hands. Genka side glanced at her, her head still down, the nurse whispered, "It seems to me that everything is going to chaos huh", Genka only chuckled responding "Are you just noticing it now?"

The nurse pondered a bit before whispering back, "I might look naive to you counselor but as a nurse, I can not let this go. The students deserve better, the respect too. I think I will open my Infirmary more, having the students have at least a safe space in my presence" She paused and looked at her, straight into her eyes, "And what are you going to do about it, Miss?" Genka was lost from that question. "What do you mean?" the nurse tsked like she was the stupid one, "You! are a counselor, and one of the best I might add, so I ask again what are you going to do about it? Our jobs are close to the same, protecting the students, and doing everything for the next generation, the difference in our careers is that I heal the wounds and provide medicine the best way I can and you are there to guide them, advise them. So what are you gonna do?"

Kocho silences everyone once more "Enough! This will not change anything of my choice. This will be it, no more questions or discussion about this until this nightmare is over!"

The meeting was over. Nothing was the same, It will never be.

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