Sun Master

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The rays of the morning sun slowly began to lift the shadows of Akademi. The school that aluminated with hopes that betrayed its haunting story. Instead of the striving image that would seem to allude, it was filled with resentment, fear, pity, and sadness. Inside the counselors' room, Genya seemed to gaze at the window, looking as if there was something afar. She felt lost? Afraid? Worried? She didn't know how to think about today. She looked back, facing forward upon her desk, and saw the students passing by her door through the small window. She sighed and heard a slight knock at the door when she was about to start an email. Genya momentarily flinched as she thought she imagined hearing the noise, but once again, the door knocked. "You can come in", Genya lifted her hand to push up her glasses as they shifted out of position. The door opened, "Good morning, Miss Kunahito I hope I didn't interrupt anything", as a black-haired male entered the room.

There he stood, Budo Masuta with his messy black hair, bright smile, and white headband upon his forehead. He stood tall and confident and continued to hold his smile, he proceeded to ask, "Is it alright if I can take a moment of your time? It's regarding the email you sent." followed by Budo entering the room and closing the door. Genya gestured to the seat in front of her desk, "It is alright with me, take a seat." Budo proceeded to sit down and smile at her, "Thank you! I hope you are having a wonderful morning Miss." Genya merely chuckled at his seemingly optimistic attitude, 'Truly I am quite jealous of your optimism, budo'.

"What seems to be the issue", Genya sat up straight on her chair, keeping eye contact with the boy in front of her. Budo merely shook his head slightly, "I have no issues, but regarding your email, I think it is a splendid idea and I want to help in any way I can." Genya just looked and smiled slightly, "Well you're the first one to contact me about this, Thank you but I am not sure yet how you can help."

Budo just gleamed, "Well then, I do have a question. Would it be alright if I could use the meeting room after school?" Genya looked at him in confusion, "Is that so, what for?". Budo's dark eyes seemed to give away a doubtful look, "I wanted to make a meeting with the other club leaders on this situation." he nervously fidgeted with his fingers, "I don't think some of the club leaders would simply agree with the idea, just by this morning, some looked at each other as if they despised one another."

Genya looked a bit shocked, "Are there problems between each other?", his now small smile turned grimace, "In short terms, some don't get along and in other ways, I just don't know how they feel about this 'safe haven' so I just wanted to 'break the ice'. I truly do believe this could help but I feel we club leaders should meet one another to talk about this." Budo held his hands tightly, looking at her with determined eyes. Genya sighed and nodded, "It is fine with me, You are able to use the meeting room, club leaders only. Come by here again once you need the key for the meeting room."

Budo smiled once more, "Yes Miss Kunahito." Genya took out a small paper and began writing him a note, "Here, just in case you arrive late to your class" Budo stood and grabbed the note, "See you around, have a nice day". Budo left with a small wave. Genya smiled and waved back, once the door closed, she sighed, 'What have they been doing?'


Budo walks down the hall, some students steadily making their way to class through the many security detectors that haunt the halls. While disturbed, he looks around the hall to see if he can spot someone, someone in particular.

A random student spots him looking around. "Hey Budo, what's up?", a girl walked in front of him. Budo paid attention to the student, "Nothing much but have you seen Uekiya around here?". The student paused a bit to recall her memory, "No, though I think she might be in class by now. She sometimes arrives late since every morning she goes to the gardens and waters some plants". The student looked at the clock on the wall, stunned she panicked, "Sorry Budo but I must get going I'm going to be late as it is, see you around."

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