Authors Thoughts (skippable)

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Hey guys!

I know it's been a while since the three chapters but I would like to say some things first. Being in the online space, I am aware of what has happened. While I am not surprised by what he did, it just got me thinking if I should continue this fanfic. After thinking long and hard, I decided to continue this.

Not only is this my first ever fanfic, but I want to see this through to the end, my writing development. I know some believe that to stop supporting him in any way, everything (Art or Writing or playing the game aka it is a shit game never played it anyway just seen videos of my fav. youtubers) has to stop. People don't separate his work and his behavior, many think of it as one packet. I understand, but this piece is my first ever writing I have published and I have and still am having fun doing so.

I would like to continue this fanfic because it's fun for me. I was scared of posting anything from different fandoms so I decided to just step in the water with this fandom. Since it has more free and flexible potential in my opinion.

I don't support him, but I liked the potential game story or the potential backstories of the background characters that could have been.

I know this wasn't necessary to write, but the things that the internet has analyzed, made me rethink everything with my story creation. I guess I wanted to know if people felt the same way. I don't know, I just hope I am making sense.

In short, Just to be clear, my decision to continue this fanfic doesn't mean I support the creator. It's more about my interest in the game's potential story it could have been and my own journey as a writer, seeing this through to the end or growing tired of it (I hope not but it happens). I know it might not have been necessary to bring all this up, but with all the discussions happening online, I wanted to share my take on it. Just wanted to say where I stand as neutral as possible even if I have strong emotional opinions.

Thanks for being understanding, and I'm excited to keep improving and sharing more stories with you.

For more information on the situation on what I am talking about, I recommend searching on YouTube and doing your research, making your judgments, and go from there. I am trying to keep this neutral even when I have strong opinions, just stay safe online. (Not me editing a bunch of time to not say shit)

Thank you for your time.
Love y'all, stay safe.

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