The Unpredicted

16 0 0

Akademi High School
Counselor's Office
5:00 pm

Genka was finishing some reports, about to leave to go home. She was in thought all day, thinking back on the conversation between the nurse and herself. With her establishing thoughts she looked at her computer screen and quickly typed up to the club leaders of her initiative. Her hands trembling but typing fast before she could rethink this proposition and send it to them at the same moment.

To: Saikou,Megami; Ruto,Oka; Rito,Au; Tsuka,Geiju; Taku,Gema; Engeika,Uekiya; Masuta,Budo; etc.

Subject: Invitation to plan: Establishing a Safe Haven for Open SupportDear Club Leaders,

I hope this email finds you well. As the school counselor and your trusted confidant, I, Genka Kunahito, am reaching out to you with an important proposal aimed at fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for our fellow students.

Understanding the significance of providing a safe space where students can freely express their concerns, fears, and worries, I propose the creation of a designated area within our school - a Safe Haven for Support, a place of safety. This initiative aims to eliminate barriers and cultivate an environment where differences are embraced, and every student feels valued, validated, accepted, and secure.

The Safe Haven will serve as a refuge for students seeking solace, encouragement, or simply a listening ear. It will be a place where they can engage in open and honest conversations, find empathy and understanding, and receive guidance from their peers and mentors. By promoting a culture of respect, compassion, and active listening, we can ensure that no student feels isolated or overwhelmed.

I wholeheartedly believe that the involvement and support of you, Club Leaders, are crucial for the success of this initiative. Your clubs and organizations play a vital role in shaping the social dynamics of our school, and I am confident that together, we can create an atmosphere of unity and understanding.

In order to discuss this proposal in detail and gather your valuable input, I would like to invite you to a special meeting on Wednesday, as soon as possible to eliminate this fear plaguing the school much sooner. During this meeting, we will explore the logistics of establishing the Safe Haven, including potential locations, design considerations, and strategies for promoting awareness and participation.

Your participation and commitment to this is highly valued, as your clubs possess a unique ability to influence and impact the student body. Together, we can create a safe and supportive environment where students can find solace, build connections, and navigate the challenges of their academic and personal lives.

Please confirm your availability for the meeting by responding to this email or contacting me directly. Your perspectives and contributions are essential, and I look forward to collaborating with each of you on this transformative project.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to the welfare and growth of our student community.

Warm regards,
Genka Kunahito

'The email was sent and there was no going back on this. Details of this can be worked on as they go, but for now, this email will serve as the seed of cultivating a more safe environment,' Genka thought and sighed. 'Hopefully, the students can see the way this dilemma is going', thinking once more before shutting her computer and leaving it to the next day.

[Later that night]

That night the club leaders of the school looked at their emails and were surprised at the thought.

'What the- Why now?'

'What a splendid idea!'

'This can be my chance for domination! hehehehahahahaha!'

'I am more inclined to believe this could work'

'This can be a total rock-on!'

'What a proposition, well this is interesting'

'A picture of a lifetime'

'About time this school needs to lighten up'

'What a decision you have created'




'How unexpected but yet how amusing hehehe'

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