R: OK.

I start rummaging through my suitcase, to find the perfect set ... Criss, I have nothing to wear.


R and J: I'm coming.

Harry comes out of the bathroom and sees the mess I made on the bed, it looks like my suitcase is exploding.

H: God, what happened here?

V: I have nothing to wear!

H: We can see the bed and you say you have nothing to wear, are you serious? He said with a small laugh.

V: I have nothing to wear for the bar!

H: Why, you don't go there as you are already dressed. Personally, I find you to die for.

V: Yeah, but it's more of a campfire outfit than a bar. Besides, I'm going to die of heat in there.

Someone knocks at the door. Harry looks towards the door, confused.

V: It must be the girls, they come to help me with the laundry.

H: Ok, I'll go get dressed, I'll leave you with your friends, but honey believe myself with a garbage bag on your back you'd be the prettiest.

V: Stop ...

H: Stop what?

V: You make me uncomfortable with your compliments.

H: I can't stop, when you love you compliment that's how you'll have to get used to it V. I love you.

I give him a smile. Another knock on the door is heard.


I open the door, my friends come into the room and see the explosion of laundry on the bed.

J: My god Vic.

R: Crap.

V: Yeah, Harry wants me to stay dressed the same ... but like we're not going to a fire ...

J: Yeah, they don't understand a thing guys.

R: I'm going to put on my little flowered dress, with my jeans jacket.

J: It's chill, me like, my mocked suit.

V: Shit, what do I wear ... ??

R: Don't worry, we'll find out. What does your man put in it?

V: No idea, he's been in the bathroom for a while! It takes him longer than me to prepare. It doesn't make sense.

R: I know ... put on shorts with a camisole, simple bin like and bring the hoodie you already have on your back, your hair and your makeup, it's already perfect. For shoes, but flat shoes.

V: Okay, perfect, lucky you are there I would have flipped, I would have wondered what to wear for hours.

Harry comes out of the bathroom, and my heart skips a fuck beat, he's sexy to death.

He only has a black skinny with holes at the knees, a pair of Chelsea Boots of the same color, and a plain white shirt open of course. (In short it looks like this, see gif)

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We've been at the bar for a good two hours already, Louis left, about fifteen minutes ago with a tall brunette in the direction of the bathroom ... Liam and Niall are drunk dead, at this point they are almost sleeping on their chairs , but do not want to go back to the hotel. Josie (James and Rosie) have been cramped with laughter for a good ten minutes for absolutely no reason ... Jayn (Jess and Zayn) is kissing hard. Worse me, well I dance like a lost with my man, we are drunk ... really drunk.



H: We should think about going home.

V: Yeah, you're right, where are the others?

We're still on the dance floor, it's boom boom all around us, but we got into a slow position, he wraps his strong arms around me, mine are around his neck, one of my hands is  playing in his hair, my head is resting on his chest, we are rocking in slow motion, while all around us ... people are wild. I look up at him.

He looks around the room for a moment, then nods to the right.

H: Over there, come on, let's go home.

He takes my hand and leads me into the excited bodies to join the others.

H: Come on guys, let's go!

Liam: No, we are good here!

N: You sleep since an hour go ahead keep saying that you are well ...

Liam: Umm um ...

Louis, hits him on the shoulder. Liam jumps.

Louis: Here we go, Hazza is right.

After several interminable minutes on why we are leaving, we end up boarding the limo which brings us back to the hotel.


As soon as we arrive in the room I start to undress and go to the shower. Before I climb in, I hear a voice behind me.

H: Are you sleeping with me tonight, or in Niall's room?

V: I thought I was sleeping here. We are still able to hold back, and right now all I want is to take a shower and go to sleep.

I leave the water for the shower, it is in the doorway.

H: Can I take my shower at the same time as you, then?

V: Yes, but don't do anything stupid.

He raises his arms in the air wanting to say never see me. Harry joined me in the shower. We washed the other without saying a word, but with lots of eyes and smiles full of innuendo. Come on V, you can do it, resist, plus you're tired ... That's what I've been repeating to myself for ten minutes now. When his hands are moving along my body, I finally decide to move and leave the shower, he laughs.

H: You know I'll end up having you V. I'll end up making you lose the bet.

V: You can always dream my heart.


I'm lying in bed I'm only wearing a T-shirt ... His T-shirt and panties, I still have to be comfortable to sleep, let's say that the cupcake pajs, kill my life in damn . He arrives in boxers, great god ... still happy that he is not naked. Why, he's so fucking sexy. He comes to take his place in the bed, and I immediately stick to him.

V: Good night, I love you Harry!

H: Good night, Love you Vicky!

I raise my head towards him so that we exchange a last kiss before sleeping. He tightens his embrace around me, then my eyes close.

The Shift That Change My Life. [H.S.][English version]Where stories live. Discover now