The most stressful 2 weeks of my life!

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Harry and the other two are leaving tomorrow morning! They're going back to Ireland, and I would be lying if I said I was okay. I have been distant with my man since the story of the panic in the bathroom. He wonders what I have elsewhere. He wanted to start foreplay last night and I pushed him back telling him that I was not feeling well and I went to lock myself in the bathroom, sitting in the bath with a towel on my back and the water that runs over me ... again ... I was crying hot tears. I love him more than anything, but I'm so scared to be pregnant! I'm afraid if I am he'll take it as if I wanted to trick him, or let me ... I know he probably wouldn't react like that, but hey I'm really messing up my life right now. However, this evening he cooked for me a meal that his family made for him and which always put him in a good mood. I'm sorry, I forgot the name of the food, but I can tell you it was delicious. We had the house to ourselves tonight, the others went to a bar. I was ... I'm glad to be alone with him tonight because I want to be forgiven for my crappy mood of the last few days.

H: Baby? What are you thinking about?

V: Huh?

H: What are you thinking you've been looking at me strangely for five minutes.

V: Oh ... uh ... I was thinking about the fact that I haven't been easy while you were here, and that I'm so sorry Harry. I also thought about the fact that I'm glad we're alone tonight, I like being everyone, but sometimes I also like being alone with you and not just when it's time to go to the bedroom .

H: You were tired and stressed I guess from the move and everything that has happened since we met. You had a stroke of the blues it's completely normal I don't blame you V.

He sits on the couch, pulling me to him so that my head is on his chest. He plays in my hair, I close my eyes and fall asleep in less than 5 minutes.

I'm woken up by the sound of the house door.


I get up from my darling. He rubs his eyes, he must have slept too.

H: We're here too, no need to scream!

Z: Are you waking up or what?

V: What time is it?

A: Two in the morning!

Shit, the guys are leaving in 5 hours! We don't have time. I look at my lover who is leaving soon for two endless weeks. At least we'll join them at the end of his two weeks.

Harry gets up from the couch and heads for the bedroom! I follow him. I close the door and lock it behind us. He's already packing his suitcase.

V: My love?

H: Hmm?

I walk over to him, because he still hasn't looked at me, while starting to take my top off.

V: Honey?

I put my hand on his left arm.

H: Yeah, baby ... oh ... oh hi!

He gives me his perverse smile, and I burst out laughing.

V: Kiss me!

H: Right away madam!

He puts his lips on mine. I stick to him, his hands resting on my hips. Mine are on his chest and in his hair. His head suddenly pulls back.

H: I love you V!

Then he rests his mouth on mine. He then attacks my neck and when a moan escapes my mouth, he throws his suitcase on the floor, then pushes me onto the bed.

V: I love you Harry!

He gives me a smile, then takes off my pants and then takes off his too. I take a condom from the bedside table. Then he puts it on.


I watch the plane Harry, his brother, and Zayn are leaving on. I already miss him a lot, but at the same time I'm happy to be alone with the girls. I wouldn't have had the strength to hide from Harry the why of my foul mood again.


A week later.

R: It's official, my life is missing him!

We're having dinner when she comes out of nowhere.

J: Who is that?

R: James!

V: So it's official you two or not!

R: Quite official I would say!

J and V: SICK!

R: What about you girls?

J: It's going well with Zayn, I miss him too, but I've always had absent boyfriends if we can say so I easily get used to not being with him, but when we are together ... watch out !!

The three of us burst out laughing.

R: You, V with Harry how are you? Did you talk to him about your period problems or your doubts that you might be pregnant?

V: It's okay, we talk to each other a lot on FaceTime, or he calls me when he can, but I didn't tell him I wait to be sure. Only a week to go before the test. I stress to death, but as soon as I see it, I forget all my problems and have a stupid smile on my face that I cannot erase.

J: Yeah, I understand you, when I see Zayn, I almost drool.

We laugh even more.


We have just announced our embarkation, direction France, more precisely Paris. We'll join the guys over there. They have a full week there, before blitting 5 concerts in two weeks in different countries in Europe. Then they will stay in Australia, then they will be on hiatus for 1 month.

I still haven't taken the test, it's been in my bag for two days, but I'm scared.

I'm sitting on my bench, and I'm starting to have a stomach ache.

I am locked in the toilet of the plane and I cry my life ... I am happy, one point less, but also distraught, it is very rare for me to have a period two months in a row.

I dry my tears, I smile at myself in the mirror like an idiot, and I think of my lover, who really ... can't wait to see me, but hey too bad he will wait, or well we'll do it in the bath, but for the moment no question is it is the flood.

I sit in my seat and my friends look at me.

R: Did you?

J: Fuck to see your face, fuck tell me not that it was positive.

V: It was positive ...

They looks at me with round eyes and hands over their mouths ...

V: Positive in the sense that I have my period.

J: Fuck yeah!

R: Thank goodness!

Before the indicator light for turning off the phones comes on I text Harry.

V: Hi, my love, we're on the plane, we're leaving in a few moments, so I just wanted to tell you that I love you we'll see you in a few hours, also that unfortunately for you the first three days I'm sorry, but we won't be able to do as usual. Sorry my love, but the red tunics have arrived.

He responds immediately.

Message from Harry 🥰

Hello, Sweet creature, have a good trip, I love you, and the red tunics hahahaha, we will do otherwise, do you remember the bath at your hotel? There's one like it in my room here!

The indicator lights come on. Before turning off my cell phone I answer him.

V: You're such a dork!  Later,  I love you! ❤️

Then the plane takes us to Paris!

The Shift That Change My Life. [H.S.][English version]Where stories live. Discover now