The coming of the stork ?

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Three months later March 2017

After James and Rosie got married, the guys decided to take a break from showbiz, so for three months Harry and I have been living in my villa! Jess move in with Zayn. Rosie and James, too, after their wedding, it was pretty obvious that they would never be going back to the "common" villa! Em and Niall are always together too, he is more and more often at my neighbor's house! He also introduced it to his family in Ireland, so I think it's serious business for my favorite Irish kid. Louis and Liam keep a villa together in London where the whole gang can go when they want.

Me and Harry?

We are more in love than ever. Although we have the villa in Montreal. Harry wants us to have a "home" in England, and I agree! So we shop. Right now, I'm a little worried, because I'm late, it hasn't happened for almost two years so I'm falling for it a bit, but it's probably stressful to move to London! I don't know what we would do if I was pregnant. I hope he wants the baby and still wants me, but only the future will tell. I spoke about my worry about being pregnant with the girls and the three told me to get tested. So that's what I'm doing, well, I'm actually just waiting for the answer. I hear the door of the house open!

H: "Honey, I'm home!"

He starts to laugh! I also have a little laugh. Since we got engaged every time he comes home he brings me this line from the movie!

V: Hi, my love!

H: Where are you?

V: Bathroom, I'm coming!

I look at my phone, there are still 3 minutes to wait before I get the answer. I decide to hide the test in my sweater, and prepare the ground with Harry. After all you never know. I'm going, so join my fiancé in the kitchen.

H: Hi sweetheart, are you okay?

He said then gave me a kiss, too short for my taste on the mouth.

V: Hi, I'm .. Fine .. I have a question for you?

H:I listen!

V: What do you think of kids?

H: I love them, you know, why are you asking me that?

V: If we, we had child?

H: It would be the best gift you could give me, but we're a little young, don't you think?

V: Yeah, I know, but ... Say I got pregnant like now, what would you do?

H: I would be surprised, for sure, but I would be there, but anyway V, why all these questions?

V: Harry, I'm late!

H: Late?

V: Harry, you know ... late! Didn't get my period by the due date, and am still not getting it?

H: How many days are you late?

V: Four days!

H: They might just be late. It's already happening before!

V: Yes, but the last time was almost two years ago Harry!

H: Okay, so did you take a test?

V: Yes, I am waiting ...

I am interrupted by the ringing of my phone, which tells me that the pregnancy test is ready to give me the answer. I lower my head to my stomach and stop breathing. Harry takes my shoulders, then finally raises my head so that our eyes meet.

V: I'm sorry, Harry! I know we are young and we are not ready, I'm sorry ...

H: Stop panicking! We haven't even looked yet, but no matter how many bars there are on the stick, I want you to know I love you V!

The Shift That Change My Life. [H.S.][English version]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum