watch that mouth

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*300 VIEWS I love you all. As promised there will be spice in this smut warning everyone. Literally the only thing I wrote in this is spice."

The next week of my recovery went by exceedingly slow. Like excruciatingly slow. Spencer returned to work the following day and I really had nothing to do. I had started to regain my strength and I could actually walk with the help of crutches. Even the incision on my leg was healing and it wasn't all that painful anymore.

Spencer would visit and occasionally stay the night for the remainder of the week. It was sweet. He brought food and would even read to me when we had no idea what show or movie to watch.   I was still a little annoyed that I hadn't been able to do anything physical with him; considering my previous condition. If you catch my drift, BUT, I was actually doing much better than previous days.

It was Sunday, I could return to work tomorrow. It was Spencer's day off so he remained with me for the day and took me out for coffee and to get some groceries. I hate the crutches, but its so much easier to get around with them.

When we arrived back from our short outing, Spencer set down the bag of groceries in my minuscule hotel kitchen while I set my crutches to the side and sat down on the couch.

"Do you wanna start watching the new season of The Crown? I heard it's really good." I inquired while he left the "kitchen" and walked over to me.

He looked me up and down with a ravishing look and allowed his face to consume a devilish smile. "Hmm. As much as I would love to see the royal family getting exposed, I would rather do something else.

I could sense where this was going and developed a similar smile to his. "Oh really? Now what exactly were you thinking, Doctor?"

Spencer then quickly walked over to the couch where I presided, and slowly sat over me, on his knees. He leaned forward so that my legs were in-between his separated ones and placed his hands on opposite sides of my upper body. He smirked and placed a slow, simple kiss on my lips. This quickly turned into a deeper, more rough series of kisses as I lightly moaned at this touch that I had been missing. He stopped for a moment and pulled slightly away from my face.

"Desperate already? Tisk Tisk. Do I really have that effect on you Harley?" he questioned while leaning back to leave light kisses along my jawline.

"Shut it Reid." I responded as his kisses started to make their way to my neck, getting rougher and harder. He started to leave subtle love marks as his mouth sped up.

"I would watch that mouth if I were you. You don't want me to stop, do you?" he teasingly suggested as his mouth travelled lower and lower down my neck.

"We both know that you wouldn't stop if it was only for teasing purposes. I think you're the one who's getting a bit desperate don't you think?" I mentioned as I looked him up and down. He had nothing to say. Biting my lip, I grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought him to eye level with me. "No snarky response?"

He just looked me in the eye, almost as if in a staring contest. After a few seconds passed, he broke the eye contact battle and passionately kissed me once again. I could feel him smile into the kiss and opened my mouth, right as his tongue dragged across my lips. Our tongues danced as everything turned more heated. I placed my hands behind his head and interlaced my fingers, while his own hands found a place on my waist. His hands tugged on the edge of my shirt and I slightly lifted myself up to let him pull it over my head. He bit his bottom lip, in a very attractive way, and looked me up and down.

I smiled and reached my hands to take off his shirt, taking my time and slowly tracing my hands along his chest once the shirt was off. I tossed his shirt to the floor and sat back against the couch to take in his beauty. His muscles were defined and to be honest, he look really fucking hot right now.

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