pretty boy

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I am SO sorry for not updating for so long. I promise that chapters will be more frequent after this. Anyways thank you for waiting so long! Also 6.9k reads? I'm so grateful.

We returned to the jet a few hours after wrapping up the case.

It was quiet.

Even though we solved the case and caught those responsible, so much tragedy had still befallen so many families.

Children were still dead. That couldn't change.

The case hit several members of the team hard. More specifically JJ and myself.

The team understood why it hurt JJ, that was obvious.

However, they did not know about me.

I didn't let it show. The occasional sigh on the plane ride back.

They didn't know much about my past. I was a child prodigy, graduated early, some bullying issues, blah blah blah.

Only Hotch and Spencer know that I am French.

They knew that I had parents. My father, a diplomat, like Prentiss's mother. My own mother, a chef.

But a sibling? Not in my records. Completely erased.

They had no reason to believe that this case impacted me in any significant way whatsoever.

I stared out the window of the plane, resting my head in my hand for what felt like an eternity.

I could see Prentiss and Morgan asleep in their seats and Hotch doing what I could only assume to be bureaucratic nonsense on his laptop.

Rossi was reading.

JJ occasionally let out a tear while waiting for a call from her husband.

Spencer sat across from me.

For the few hours of our flight, nothing changed.

We eventually landed back in DC in the evening. I grabbed my go bag and darted from the plane as fast as I could.

I didn't bother with my crutch. I honestly didn't need it anymore. Someone would get it from the plane at some point.

No one bothered to ask why. Which wasn't exactly surprising considering no one knew me all that well.

Spencer offered to drive me home. I accepted of course.

The drive back was silent as well. I could see Spencer open his mouth as if he was going to say something, but then close it before any words came out.

When we pulled up to the hotel, I quickly unclipped my seatbelt and opened the car door.

I grabbed my bag and hopped out. I turned back to face Spencer, and gave him almost a sad smile.

I sighed and looked Spencer in his empty eyes. I could see confusion, but I could tell that he wasn't going to ask me about it.

I imagine he thought I deserved my privacy.

"Good night Reid. I'll see you tomorrow?" I said, with my hand ready to push the passenger door closed.

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