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I got covid, so I hate my family members who went out in the middle of a pandemic and didn't tell me. Anyways this isn't as long as the other chapters cause I'm sick but here we go.

When I woke up the next morning, Spencer was already long gone.

He had gotten up, grabbed his clothes, and went back to his room the moment he thought I was asleep.

I wasn't surprised. We were both clearly still annoyed at each other.

I woke up the next morning at 7 am.

A sufficient amount of sleep? We don't know her.

I had been awake for nearly half an hour, looking over the case files and trying to make some connections over.....well anything.

The three men left were absolutely no where to be found. We couldn't find them.

They had the money, from inheritances, they had the motive, they had the means to pull this bombing off.

We had ruled out that they were working together. Now I wasn't entirely sure this was true. This unsub wanted power. He wanted to prove himself.

And if he met a man which had the same ambitions, they could be unstoppable. If there were three of them, it could be even worse.

It was kind of....odd.

Too odd.

The fact that all three men in the greater Buffalo area had all of this; the money, the motives, the means.

Usually only one or two people in even larger search pool met these criteria.

I reached across my bed and grabbed my laptop. It was a good thing Penelope gave me her access codes to some databases.

Having a bachelor degree in computer science allowed me to navigate through information, some that I technically wasn't allowed to see.

I looked into the files we had together online and then more into their backgrounds.

More importantly, I found the thing we were missing, and after nearly half an hour of digging, I was able to add it to the case files.

The first man:
Marcus Strucker
Three arrests, one conviction for aggravated assault.
Major childhood trauma; suicide attempts, bullying, abuse.

Man number 2:
Oscar Hathe (formerly known as Oscar Lawrence)
Similar arrests
Similar childhood trauma

Man number 3:
Leonard Frazer (formerly known as George Umar)
Similar arrests
Similar childhood trauma

One more thing they had in common.

They were the siblings of the three girls killed in a school bombing.

You may be thinking, how did Penelope not find this?

The men with the former identifies, those two took a lot of effort to dig out.

That's the reason we couldn't make a connection.

All of their former identities were from Portsmouth New Hampshire.

The moment I figured this out, I shot out of bed and grabbed my crutch from the floor. I grabbed my files and laptop with my free hand and rushed out the door towards Spencer's room.

I quickly knocked on his hotel room door and waited for him to come out. I knocked again. No response.

Was he still asleep?

"Spencer!" I shouted, which was meant by a grunt.

I could hear him wearily get up and make his way to the door. He opened it with tired eyes and a weary expression.

Doctor and DoctorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant