"just friends"

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     This chapter is kind of short yall but i hope you enjoy.

Spencer and I finished our lunch in almost complete silence. I couldn't get what he told Emily out of my head. I know dating within the team was frowned upon but we still slept together. I really thought there was something more between us

       Was I meant to forget all that happened?

Oh dear what was I thinking. We only slept together. Once. One time. Of course he wouldn't say that we were anything more. Sometimes my mind takes me down excruciatingly ridiculous paths.

       I was still deep in thought as i heard a faint voice shake me out of the depths of my mind.

     "Nova?" Spencer's voice echoed.

     "Sorry what? I zoned out." i quickly responded, trying to avoid eye contact as i turned to face him.

     "I was saying..." he continued as he gulped. "Um well I just paid the check. Do you want to get going?"

     I sighed and finally looked up to meet his eyes. I smiled as i tried to fake a relatively happy look. "Sure let's head out."

     I slowly stood up from my chair and turned to walk towards the exit, but I was shortly stopped by a hand grabbing mine. The hand spun me around and my breath hitched. I met Spencer's eyes as our faces were inches away.

    "Listen. Let's keep things quiet from the team for awhile okay? I like you. I really do just.. I don't want them to know and make assumptions from my...my past"

     My breathing slowed as I thought it over and smiled. "I can live with that."

      "Great. There are some other things that i should probably tell you. Just not yet." Spencer sighed as he tugged my hand towards the exit. "C'mon."

     My mind was filled with confusion as we made our way toward the parking lot. I knew about some aspects about his past but relationships? What on earth did the team have with Spencer and relationships? I released his hand as i made my way to the passenger door of his car.

     I hopped in and realized that Spencer and I probably knew equally little about each other's pasts. 

We pulled out of the parking lot and made our way towards my hotel. assuming that was where he would drop me off. I sighed and placed my elbow on the edge of the door to prop up my head as I stared out.

      Deep in thought, I continued my stare out of the passenger window, only to be abruptly shaken as I heard a "boom" and excessive screeching from outside.

I felt the car come to a creaking halt as we were jolted forward, luckily stopped by the seatbelt.

What the hell?

I gasped as i looked out the windshield to see a fiery blaze of cars smashed together. You know the phrase when a car wreck is so horrible that you can't look away? This was 10x more horrific. At least 7 cars had collided at the entrance to a parking garage 50 feet away from us. I gawked at the sight as i felt Spencer's hand grip mine with a sudden urgency.

     "Holy shit are you okay?" he questioned as he tightened the grip on my hand.

     "Yeah.. I'm good." I breathed out taking the scene in. That was slightly a lie. A slow sharp pain was developing in my upper left leg. "Crap Spencer call 911 we need to see what we can do to help."

     I threw open the car door and hopped out to run towards the scene. Spencer was a good 10 feet behind me as I heard him speaking on the phone to the police. He sighed and ran up to mess he hung up the phone. "They're sending paramedics and fire and rescue."

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