surgical expertise

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This took so long to write and Its also exactly 3000 words so yay lmao

With my extremely extensive knowledge of the medical field, I was eventually able to come about three ideas to what was wrong with me. Of course literally none of that could help me because I had a fair assurance that my communication with those around me was over for the time being.

I was slipping in and out of consciousness and could barely form a few words together. All that I could comprehend was that I was in an ambulance, Spencer was sitting beside me, and Emily was infuriated by no one knowing what was wrong. 

Back to the three options that my genius expertise could distinguish while I was slowly regaining consciousness. 

Number 1: A pinched nerve. These can be extremely severe but however I felt no numbness in my leg, which was a common symptom. I quickly discarded this and moved onto my next theory.

Number 2: Deep vein thrombosis. Basically a blood clot. Can be extremely dangerous.

Number 3: I believed this to be the most terrifying of the three and possibly the most dangerous. A peripheral aneurysm. If it ruptured I could be dead before I even reached the hospital.

It took me several seconds to comb over all of the symptoms before I decided on a specific, but I had practically no way of alerting Spencer or the paramedics. Opening my eyes, I realized that a sedative was probably injected because i could barely focus on a subject in my view. My next thought was to speak. 

A multitude of light mumbles left my mouth, luckily enough catching the attention of Prentiss. Her eyes scanned over me and she quickly leaned down over me. 

"Nova? Wait Harley can you hear me?" she spoke while nudging Spencer, who then reached for my hand. Before he could get anything out of his mouth, the paramedic immediately took over.

"Ma'am do you have any preexisting conditions? Previous operations?"

I lightly shook my head no and he ruled the few ideas probably circling his mind out. "I-"

"Nova?" Spencer questioned. "Wait what is it? Are you trying to say something?"

"I could life the sedative momentarily. If you believe that what she needs to say is important enough for her to feel the pain," the paramedic suggested while he reached to adjust something in my IV bag.

"Uh Emily?" Spencer questioned unsure if what I needed to say was really so important that I had to feel the extensive pain in my leg.

"I think you should let her speak. I mean she is a genius like you, I don't think she would want to say something unimportant if it meant severe pain."

Thank you Emily, I thought.

Slowly, I felt more conscious and able to slightly move my body, however, this also meant the extreme pain. My facial expressions As I went to form words together, I pain prevailed and I hissed while my breath caught. 

"I. I think it could be a peripheral a-aneurysm. That's my worst thought but it seems the most probabl- Ah shit. please. Ow."

"Okay please give her the sedative again," Spencer desperately exhaled as he turned to face Prentiss. "Could it really be an aneurysm?"

She turned to him with a bewildered and frankly appalled face. "Spencer Reid. You are the doctor. I know its not in medicine but you have three PhDs so why don't you and the paramedic figure it out!"

Reid's expression turned a way I had never seen it go before. I saw anger. 

"Emily fucking Prentiss you do NOT get to tell me to figure it out. I am just as shocked and worried as you are. And yeah aneurysms are rare but not unlikely and I am really starting to think that this is what's wrong with her. So why don't we let the medical professional figure out what is wrong so she can just get better. Please." as he said this, the paramedic let out a disappointed sigh.

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