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Scarlett and the rest of Sibuna were walking back to the house, with Fabian who had just informed them of the fact Joy was now in on what was going on. 

"I can't believe you asked Joy to help without checking with us first, Fabian," Amber exclaimed. "The first rule about Sibuna is, you do not talk about Sibuna."

"I told you, we should've had Mara and Joy fight it out between them, a chess off. Two cute girls in a brainy grudge match," Alfie added. Amber elbowed him in response. 

"We don't have time for that. We don't have time for anything," Fabian seethed. 

"Sibuna," Joy called from the top of the stairs. 

The group shushed her. 

"Sorry." She made her way down the stairs. "Has Fabian told you? He asked me to join the gang," she sang. She stood next to Fabina before lifting the wrong hand to her eye. "Sibuna!"

Alfie leant forward, switching her hands around. 

"No," Amber shrieked. 

"As a temporary member, that's all," Fabian spoke, nervously. 

"Yep. So, Fabes, you want to teach me how to play this game or what?" Joy asked, linking arms with him and dragging him away. 

"So, is everyone just okay with him putting Joy in danger?" Scarlett spoke up. "Because if our favourite evil spirit gets whiff of this, Joy's gonna get stamped."

"Let's just hope she doesn't," Alfie muttered. 


They all gathered in the living room, watching Joy play Senet over and over again. She completed the next game. 

"Yes! And the human wins again," she exclaimed, high fiving Fabian. 

"Well done," Fabian praised.

"I can't believe there's a whole set of tunnels down there. I can't wait to see them," Joy told. 

"Yeah, well, if you'd been through what we have, you'd realize it's not just one big game," Amber retorted. 

"I thought that's exactly what it was," Joy replied, before grabbing a Senet piece. "One big game?"

"Um, actually Amber, I haven't told Joy absolutely everything. It's best we do this strictly on a need-to-know basis," Fabian informed. 

"Oh, thanks," Joy sighed. "But Nina is trapped somewhere, right?" Everyone nodded. "And if I help you win this game, we get her out?"

"And you really trust her to do that, do you? After everything Joy's done and knowing how she feels about Nina?" Amber sought. 

Joy leant against the arm of the chair, "Amber, are you saying that I'd deliberately throw the game in order to leave Nina down there?"

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