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Scarlett couldn't stop the oncoming panic attack as she held back from the group as they walked back to the house. Her head hurt as her brain rattled around, a familiar pounding settling behind her glazed eyes. She walked in a daze, her skin crawling, an itching flaring across her body. She felt disgusting like she needed to peel a layer of her skin off. 

The doors opened and she rushed up the stairs trying her best to avoid everyone, she went straight to her room and put her headphones in.

She was utterly powerless and she felt it. She felt dirty and horrible and wanted to cry. So, she did. She showered and sobbed as she scrubbed her skin raw. She was red by the time she stepped out, changing into comfortable clothes.

Her plan was to go back to her room and read and listen to music and skip dinner, but KT was quick to refuse to let her do that. She knew what someone pulling away looked like. She wasn't going to let Scarlett.

"Nope," she spoke, standing in front of the door.


"You are not hiding away because of that dickhead," she exclaimed. "I know you feel horrible, but we're here and we don't want you to hide away from us."


"Come on, let's eat and use the whole weird mystery to distract you for a bit and later tonight, you can cry and hide," KT tried. "And, I have news that might shock you into wanting to come down. Harriet told me I'm Frobisher's great-granddaughter and Fabian checked. I am."

Scarlett blinked, letting her words sink in, she nodded, "Okay, did not expect that. Fair enough. But I gotta get into the room to put my dirty clothes away."

"Oh right, sorry."


"Scarlett, hey," they all greeted as she came downstairs.

"Let's leave it, please," she pleaded, noticing the pitiful eyes following her every step. "I'm fine."

"The guards are upstairs, I think we should try breaking Harriet out now, we might not get a better chance," Eddie explained, changing the subject. He knew how much Scarlett hated pity and that much attention for all the wrong reasons. They may have broken up but he still cared for her deeply.

He wanted nothing more than to find the guy and break his nose. But he knew Scarlett would call him an idiot because he would hurt himself doing it. 

"Let's go," Scarlett agreed, wanting nothing more than to distract herself. Of course, Eddie already knew this. 

They made their way to the tunnels, Eddie using a large mirror to reflect the first booby trap.

"So simple in hindsight," Scarlett muttered.

They were going to use KT's key to open a door and see where it lead. They were hoping it would lead to the outside so they could get Harriet. They made their way out.

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