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After hiding Piper for the day Scarlett finally decided to let her out of the room. 

"Your sister should be home by now."

Piper nodded and followed Scarlett down the stairs. 

"Patricia," Piper called upon seeing her twin. "Oh, there you are."

"There's this weird lady who grabs kids and drags them off to have their bags searched. I think she's stalking me, so, you know, you better hide me," Piper rambled. 

"What? But there's two of you, Patricia. Wait. We're not being cursed again, are we?" Amber asked. 

"Nope. What are you doing here?" Patricia demanded. 

"Wait. Are you two twins?" Amber questioned. 

"Okay, you must be Amber. Pleased to meet you," Piper greeted, shaking her hand.

Mara and Joy then entered the house. Everyone turned towards them.

Mara gasped, "Woah."

"Piper," Joy exclaimed.

"You have a twin?" Amber repeated. 

"Yep, a twin with some explaining to do," Patricia seethed, dragging Piper away. 

Scarlett followed. The group who knew Piper was at the school crowded into Patricia and Joy's room as she was interrogated.


"I ditched a trip to Europe. The school thinks I went home ill. Mum and dad think I'm in Milan for music week," Piper revealed. 

"No one would ditch a trip to Milan. It's every fashionista's spiritual home," Amber told. 

"Milan's okay. It's my school that's the problem," Piper admitted.

"Oh, the special music academy. For special music geniuses? Yeah, that must be rough. So what? You wanted to come and see what school for Muggles is like?" Patricia retorted. 

"Actually, I missed you, Trix."

Mara glanced between the pair, "This is really touching and all, But how are we gonna hide you from Victor?"

"Well, so long as no one sees them together, It should be fine. I'm in favour," Joy responded. 

Mara caved, "Okay, fine."

"Seriously? Milan? What a waste," Scarlett raised an eyebrow. "Oh, in favour, definitely."

"I'm in," Scarlett agreed. 

"Okay, we need to keep this a secret, just between us, 'cause the more people that find out, the more chance Victor will too. And then we're toast. Agreed?" Patricia conceded. 

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