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An empty childhood room was meant to make you feel sad, that much Scarlett knew, so why was she standing in the middle of her room, staring at it now half-empty and feeling nothing? 

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An empty childhood room was meant to make you feel sad, that much Scarlett knew, so why was she standing in the middle of her room, staring at it now half-empty and feeling nothing? 

She knew she wouldn't sleep in the bed for almost a year but she couldn't bring herself to feel sad about it. She'd rarely spent time in this house since she was shipped off to boarding school at eleven.

Plus, she couldn't take that much with her since she was flying to America. She'd have to buy a lot while over there. She was just glad she managed to get financial aid. She'd find a job while over there as well (but she knew if she did then she'd have a hard time when going home for extended periods).

KT had pulled a lot of strings and managed to get them a dorm room together (not that Scarlett knew that yet).

Her mum was driving her to her flight, her grandparents having already said their goodbyes and handing her cash so she could get herself a takeaway. She lugged her final suitcase down, her mum waiting, with teary eyes. 

"I'm ready," Scarlett said, pocketing her phone. "Let's go."

Elizabeth nodded, "Yeah, okay."


The pair had said a teary goodbye before Scarlett was on her flight, staring outside the window, headphones blasting her moving playlist. She had texted KT to let her know to meet her on the other end. The girl had insisted on it, saying she would help her move her stuff, since she'd have done it earlier in the day. 

And when she landed, KT was in the waiting area, sign in hand, which made Scarlett laugh as she struggled with her three suitcases. 

"KT," she yelled, the girl coming to meet her. She tackled her by accident, causing the pair to tumble to the ground in their hug. 

"I'm so glad you're here," she cheered, pulling them both up. "We're gonna have so much fun."


The pair, after a trip to get bedding and other things that wouldn't fit into a suitcase for Scarlett, were finally settled into their dorm, ready to try and meet the others they were sharing a space with. So, they made their way into the lounge area, hoping someone would enter and they could see if they were nice enough to befriend. 

And they were. 

The other dorm in their shared space was home to two other girls, Courtney and Jemma. Jemma was a shy girl and Courtney was a sports-obsessed, fitness nut. And Scarlett almost laughed at how similar their situation suddenly became to Gilmore Girls. 

They really were living their Rory Gilmore dreams, minus the controversial parts. 

 KT's parents had given her money for a first-night takeout for her and her roommates. So, they ordered Chinese food and placed a laptop on the small coffee table, playing 10 Things I Hate About You as they played a game of 21 Questions to get to know each other. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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