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tw - hemophobia (mentions of blood)

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tw - hemophobia (mentions of blood)


Patricia's jealousy only became worse when Eddie went on about KT's photography. It was a large print of the bricks in the cellar, an attempt to hide what they were doing to the wall.

Patricia was getting in her own head about their newly established relationship and Scarlett was trying her very best to assure her the whole time because there was no way the girl was going to actually talk to KT about it. It was Patricia, she was confrontational, sure, but she was also very insecure and didn't want to bring it up to KT and showcase that side of her so openly. 

Scarlett, however, had shown her messiest side to literally everyone in the house, so Patricia felt a little less vulnerable talking to Scarlett. 

When they snuck down to the cellar to put KT's photography up and hide their plan, they found that the brick they'd spent ages carving out had been sealed back up and apparently Victor had added a boobytrap. Something that almost cut Eddie in half.

Scarlett heard the noise first, realising what it was. She grabbed Eddie, pulling him back. He stumbled slightly but steadied himself as the guillotine sliced down to the floor.

"What the actual fuck was that?" She exclaimed. 

"How did you know-"

Fabian answered for her, "When you spend enough time in the tunnels you get used to the sound of impending doom."

Scarlett was checking Eddie over.  She moved his face from side to side to check it hadn't nicked him.

The boobytrap reset itself. Eddie tried to argue that it wasn't fool proof, testing it on a broom, disproving his point as it was cut in half.

Scarlett picked up the two sides, "What was that, dumbass?"

"I stand corrected."


Scarlett pushed the whole boobytrap drama to the back of her mind as she realised none of them had a plan and they were all very much stumped. There was nothing she could do, so she decided she would put her energy back into school. Not that she had ever stopped, but at least with the spanner in the works, she wasn't spreading herself so thin. 

She ate her breakfast in preparation for the upcoming dodgeball match. She needed her strength as she knew she would be playing, unfortunately. 

They were walking over to the sports hall, and Eddie decided to join Scarlett, the rest of Anubis house spread out in front and behind them on the walk. 

"Did I tell you that you look really good in a skort?" Eddie complimented, resting his arm over her shoulder. 

Scarlett nudged him, taking the hand on her shoulder, letting herself play with his fingers, "No, but thank you."

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