Chapter 21 - The Truth

Start from the beginning

"It was boring," I summarised.

"Exactly," replied Mum. "There was nothing to trigger it until you got out."

"So ... my father is out there? On Aderyn?" I asked.

"He is," replied Mum. "I didn't want you to look for him while I was trying to keep you out of harm's way. But now ... I think he'd be delighted to find out he has a son."

I closed my eyes. I wasn't completely human, and my father didn't know I existed. And I had inherited abilities from him that I may or may not be able to control. It was a lot to take in.

Mum lifted my fringe and kissed me on the forehead.

"I'm glad you're OK," she said. "I'm going to get something to eat. If you need me, or if I can get you anything, just send Keleon out to find me. We're looking forward to seeing you when you have enough strength to join us."

I knew she was giving me and Keleon some time to catch up on what had happened.

"Thanks Mum," I replied as she got up. She nodded as she ducked out of the door. Keleon moved up the bed to take her place. I was starting to feel a bit stronger already.

"So ... we're back on Epsilon 4?" I guessed.

"You slept the whole way back, and then some," he grinned, blue eyes and perfect features staring down at me affectionately.

"Helen and Mia?" I asked.

"They're fine," he reassured me. "They were in the northern end of the building. Further away from the epicentre."

I groaned as he reminded me again of the destruction I caused and the fact that I had so little control over it.

"I was so angry with them for what they were about to do to you," I said, wincing at the memory of it. "Why didn't you just tell them you weren't me?"

"Why would telling them have helped?" he countered. "I looked like you, so I doubt anything I said would have stopped them doing a blood test."

He was probably right. Would I have believed him if I were in the position of the G.I.A. personnel? I'd undoubtedly want to be sure either way.

"I meditate to hone my instincts," Keleon continued. "I need to trust that my body will give me the best shape for the situation. I may not always understand or agree with what it's doing, but if my body was telling me that I was supposed to be 'you,' then telling G.I.A. that I wasn't would have undermined whatever it was trying to do to help me. So, I went with it."

He shrugged and kissed my forehead.

"But look what happened," I retorted.

"Yes," he agreed. "Look at what happened. As your mother said, it resulted in the best possible outcome. Apparently, I needed to make sure you were angry enough to show them what you were capable of, but not so angry that you hurt anyone. Along with the evidence your mother collected, they're unlikely to pursue you any further."

"So, you're taking the credit for this?" I asked incredulously.

"Of course."

Typical of my quirky alien boyfriend.

A small chuckle escaped me, followed by a comfortable silence as we smiled at each other. Keleon was the first to break it.

"So, you're not entirely human," Keleon's smile turned mischievous. "Why didn't you tell me?"

I hit him with the pillow, and we descended into giggles.


A couple of hours later I was feeling much better, and Keleon and I were walking hand in hand down the path from the north end of the hanger to the waterside, where we knew the sun would set shortly.

Helen, Mia and Mum were already there, with a blanket spread across the moss. In the middle of the blanket were ration packs, local fruits and water. They greeted us warmly when they saw us, and we joined them happily.

"You look so much better, sweetheart," Mum observed.

"Yeah, I'm definitely getting there," I agreed. "We're having a picnic?"

"Why not?" replied Mia. "It's a good spot for it."

Nobody could disagree with that. I started helping myself to some of the food, as Keleon leaned back and watched.

"So Mum, what's next?" I asked after I'd swallowed some of the fruit.

"I haven't had a proper catch-up with Helen for over three years," she replied. "I think we're going to spend some time together. And then, I'm not sure, I haven't decided yet. I need time to adjust to not having to hide my every move." She reached for her water. "What about you? Have you thought about what you want to do?"

"I think I'd like to join these two in exploring what's out there," I replied. Flying a ship had always been my dream and exploring the galaxy with Mia and Keleon sounded perfect to me. "If they're OK with it of course," I added, realising that I hadn't actually asked them how they felt about it.

"Sounds awesome to me," Mia approved. "And I can't see Keleon objecting." She threw a wink in his direction and he grinned. "What about showing Damon that planet we found in the Tetra Prime system? Maybe we should go there first. After all the recent excitement, we probably just need some time to chill out."

"A mini holiday sounds good to me," I agreed.

"Sure, I'm up for that," Keleon concurred. "On a practical note, we borrowed the Pavo from Helen, and we're running out of things to trade. We may need to stop at Gokk first."

"Does that mean I have to watch people flirt with my guy?" I pouted.

"No," replied Keleon. I watched as a lopsided smile formed on his lips. "You can stay outside if you prefer."

I punched him lightly on the arm. The smile grew, showing off his dimple, and I rolled my eyes.

"Any thoughts on what you might do after that?" Mum was smiling at our banter.

"I don't know," I replied. "Mia and Keleon have never been to Aderyn, and I have a father I've never met who may be able to give me some pointers in how to get the gravity thing under control. Maybe we can go there?" I looked towards my new travelling companions.

Keleon nodded, as he kissed me on the head and pulled me closer. Mia smiled and also nodded.

As we continued enjoying the picnic, surrounded by people I considered my family, I realised that my life was about to change for the better.

And I couldn't wait to get started.

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