Chapter Fourteen ~ Not Anymore

Start from the beginning

He waved my statement away. "It's no bother, really."

"I'll let you know when I need help, okay?" I said, giving him a thumbs up. He nodded.

When we turned the corner and into the cereal and chips aisle, Haruka came running up from behind me, jumping on my back. I squealed, and Todoroki turned around in surprise, but he smiled. "Haruuuuka!" I complained, "That hurt!"

"Sorry, sissy!" She exclaimed, hopping off my back and skipped in front of Todoroki and I. "Can I get this candy bar?" She held up a huge thing of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. There were several individually wrapped inside it, and it was like two feet long.

I raised an eyebrow. "Depends. How much does it cost?"

Haruka held the giant package of candy to her chest and mumbled, "Eight dollars."

"Eight dollars?!" My eyes widened. I opened my wallet. My budget for this grocery trip was only around twenty five bucks. I still had to get milk, eggs, cereal, bread and peanut butter. I slipped my wallet back in my pocket and crouched down to Haruka's level. "I'm sorry, I don't think I can get you that right now." When her face fell, I found a solution. "How about you go pick a small box candy? Those usually cost around one dollar." Haruka smiled again and bounded back to the candy aisle.

I stood up and sighed, glancing at Todoroki to see a frown on his face. I shrugged. "We've always had trouble with money, if that's what you're thinking." His frown deeped. "What did I just say a minute ago? No frowns!" I took my first two fingers on my right hand and jabbed them lightly in his side, tasering him.

I know it didn't necessarily hurt, but he pretended it did, just to give me the satisfaction.

"Alright, alright. No frowns." Todoroki agreed, the sides of his mouth turning up in a small smile.

I finished grabbing the things I needed, placing them inside the basket. Todoroki was just following me around the whole time. "You look bored." I commented.

"Who, me?" He said. "No, I'm not bored. I'm just a quiet person."

I rolled my eyes, and Haruka came skipping towards us. "I chose a box candy, Akiara!" She held up a box labeled 'Charleston Chews.'

"Charleston Chews? What are those?" I asked, curiosity droning in my voice.

"Oh they're so yummy, sissy!" Haruka cheered. "They're chocolate covered chewy stuff, and they just melt in your mouth."

Todoroki smiled beside me. "It does sound good."

"Alrighty, well, I think it's time to go then." We quickly checked out, and I paid with a fifty dollar bill, getting about $27 back. And with that, we headed back to the house, grocery bags in both of my hands, and Haruka's candy already in her mouth.

When we arrived back home, I handed Haruka the grocery bags, and instructed her to put them on the counter.

I turned to Todoroki once she went back inside. "Thanks for coming with us today."

"No problem." He smiled.

"Isn't it crazy that we met only yesterday?" I commented, laughing.

His eyes widened. "Wow, it seems like we've known each other for at least a month."

"I know, right?!"

We both chuckled, until it happened again.

We stared into each other's eyes, being enveloped by the unique colors of our irises. We studied each other's features, taking in every detail of the other's face.

Why does this keep happening?

My attention was drawn to the scar which surrounded his oceanic blue eye. Without thinking, I reached my hand up and pressed my palm to his cheek, brushing my thumb over the scar. He inhaled sharply when I asked in a soft tone, "Does it hurt?"

"My scar?"

I nodded.

He reached up and pulled my hand off his face, answering, "No. Not anymore." I frowned, wondering how much it must have hurt when he had gotten it. He poked the tip of my nose. "No frowns."

I smiled, even though the sad feeling never left me. "I'll see you tomorrow, Todoroki."

"Bye, Akiara."

And with that, he walked back towards the park, leaving me outside all alone.

I brought a hand up to touch where he had poked me. Why does he always leave me so flustered?

"Akiara!" Haruka's voice called from inside.

"I'm coming!" I walked up the porch, took one last glance as Todoroki's fading figure, and stepped back inside.

Hope y'all enjoyed!!


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