Many say that they would be the strongest or the most helpful person, but is it true though? I wouldn't do much, I'm just a fucking coward.

"(Y/n)! Why are you still in your room?" a sudden knocking was heard from the door. On the other side was your mother, a person who wasn't enthusiastic about anime or anything that is very different. "Do you even know what time it is?"

Looking down at the screen you saw the time, 12.09.

"Oh! I was just asking my friends some questions about schedules and school. Y'know high school stuff!" she shouted back while crawling off the chair that she surprisingly slept on.

It was silent for a few seconds before there was a reply, "If you say so. Anyway, I am going to work. I won't be back until much later today. 9 being the earliest. Now don't open the front door or you'll be murdered, right?" she asked.

"I'm probably not even going to leave my room."

"Alrighty then, I'm leaving." the woman stated before walking away from the door, each step getting quieter and quieter.

They waited quietly in their room until the entire house was filled with silence.

"FUCK YEAH! A whole day of not doing shit or contributing to society!" Their voice was full of glee.

Our protagonist was filled with happiness. It wasn't common for them to be home alone. Meaning that she had the living room to watch the third season of the show, watching it on a pc screen or phone screen is okay. But the big tv in the living room was the best.

Just like any other teen would she ran to the living as fast as she could, although this girl is a fool. An absolute buffoon.


She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. Why does that matter? I hear you ask.

Well because our (Y/n) is fucking clumsy.

"Shit!" was all that she said before hitting the ground and biting the dust.

Usually, it is no big deal. People fall all the time and then get up, right?

Yeah, no. Not here. Not now.

Bitch fell down and didn't back up.

And (y/n) is technically you, the reader of the story.

Haha, can't believe you fell.

"I think she is sleeping," a soft voice spoke.

Then another scolded him, "don't wake her up."

Why the fuck are there kids in my house?

Both your hands reached up to your face to try and rub the sleepiness away. If that even makes sense. Once opening them you saw two faces hovering above yours.

"Hey, she's awake!" shouted the boy as he tilted his head, "are you okay? We found you here laying on the grass."

Ignoring the boy you sat up and took in the different surroundings. It was much brighter than it was before and windy. Your squinting eyes saw grassy fields, campanulas?

It all seemed familiar, but from where?

"Hey!" the boy shouted into your ear causing you to flinch slightly. "Are you okay?"

Then it clicked once you looked at the kids. A boy with brown hair and green eyes. The girl had grey eyes and long black hair.

Eren and Mikasa.

Okay, this has to be a dream! Right?

'Yeah, I'm good," you murmured quietly.

My voice!

From Two Different worlds [Reader Insert]Where stories live. Discover now