Chapter Twelve ~ Midoriya's Secret

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Midoriya's head lowered as he stared at Bakugou, but I got the feeling all he wanted to do was ask me how much I heard.

"Don't forget, Saki." Bakugou said as he walked towards the gate.

Midoriya let out an exasperated sigh, as if he was grateful the conversation was over. That's when he turned to me. "Did you hear all of that?!"

I nodded reluctantly. "Yes."

"THERE YOU AREEEEE!" All Might's voice screamed from behind us. The hero in question sped past us and said "BAKU-GOU!" He ran behind Bakugou and put his hands on his shoulders. "I FOUND YOU!"

"Um, All Might," I started. "He's not in a very good mood right now..."

"Just so you know," All Might ignored me. "Pride is an important attribute to have. But while you certainly have the abilities to become a pro hero, there's still plenty you have to learn!"

"Let go of me, All Might." Bakugou said with irritation in his voice. "Right now."

"Hm?" All Might asked, looking down at the fifteen year old.

Bakugou looked back at All Might. "Save your speeches. I'll be more famous than you and I'll do it without your help."

All Might backed away, startled by Bakugou's statement. "Uh... right." He let go of Bakugou, who continued to stomp out of the school grounds.

"Saki." Bakugou said, "The park near the general store. That's where we'll meet. Hurry up."

I gulped. "Y-Yeah... okay."

"Midoriya," All Might said, coming to stand next to him. I took a few steps forwards so I was beside him as well. "What were you saying to these two before I arrived so heroically?"

Midoriya seemed to freak out. "Oh! Uh... nothing special!"

"What are you talking about?" I questioned. "You were telling him about your quir--" Midoriya slapped his hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"Hm? Why don't you tell me all the juicy details, young Saki?" All Might asked me.

Midoriya let his hand fall and looked at me with a pleading stare. "Oh, I actually.. forgot?"

All Might took his leave, and I turned back to Midoriya.

"Bro." I started, "You have got to be kidding."

He looked confused. "W-What are you talking about?"

"Your quirk!" I exclaimed, indicating towards his broken arm. "Did someone really give it to you?!"

Midoriya's eyes widened and he looked down at the ground. "N-NO!"

I put my hands on my hips. "Don't lie to me, Midoriya." I moved one of my hands on his shoulder. "If it's supposed to be a secret, I can keep it. I promise. I'm not about to go around saying 'Oh look everyone, Midoriya's quirk was given to him by someone else!'"

He sighed. "Okay, yes. Someone did give it to me. Only a week or so before the entrance exam, and I had to train a ton before I was ready for it."

"That's so cool!" My eyes shone brightly. "So? Who gave it to you? Is it a pro hero?" When Midoriya nodded, my mouth fell agape. "Really? Who?!"

He mumbled his answer, but I didn't hear it the first time. I gestured for him to say it again, and when he did, my jaw dropped completely. "All Might."


"Shhh!" Midoriya slapped his hand over my mouth again and removed it instantly. "Be quiet, Saki! Someone will hear you!"

"Sorry, sorry." I apologized, "But seriously." I lowered my voice and said, "All Might gave you his power?"

Midoriya nodded. "Yes. He did." He grabbed my hand in his and pleaded, "Please don't tell anybody, Saki! I wasn't even supposed to tell Kaachan. Luckily he didn't believe me. You need to keep it a secret."

"Hey, don't worry, Midoriya. I won't tell a single soul. Besides, I'll probably forget anyways." I promised, patting his hands with my other palm.

"Also, I have a question for you." He asked, allowing his hand to fall back to his sides.


Midoriya raised an eyebrow. "What did Kaachan mean by where you would meet?"

I looked down at my shoes. "This morning he told me to meet him somewhere after school. He was upset with me because I beat him at the fifty meter dash yesterday in the quirk assessment test. I was talking with Todoroki about it before our mock battle, and he suggested he go with me in case it got violent."

"Smart." Midoriya commented.

I shook my head. "Not smart. When Bakugou first told me this morning, he said that if I brought Todoroki with me there would be more problems than there already are."

Midoriya tapped his chin. "Yeah, now that I think about it, you made the right move." He looked back up at me with concern. "But isn't Bakugou just a little bit more mad than he was this morning?"

I barked a laugh. "A little bit? That's an understatement, Midoriya."

"Which proves my point even further. Bakugou is more angry than he was yesterday, and he'll probably take that out on you."

"True." I mumbled, twirling my thumbs as I thought.

"What if," Midoriya started, "What if I bring Todoroki with me and we head to the park together, acting as if we were just going there to talk, and then you'll have both of us. Then Bakugou would think that I told Todoroki, and that you didn't know that either of us were coming."

"That... would actually work." I said, my smile reaching my face again. "Well, I don't want to keep Bakugou waiting." I started running the direction of the general store. I waved at Midoriya behind my shoulder. "Tell Todoroki the plan, and hurry! I'm afraid Bakugou might beat me up just like he did to you!" I saw Midoriya nod as I hurried out of UA's courtyard and towards the place where I'd probably break an arm. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! If you're actually reading this story, it means SO much to me, you have no idea.


𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐘𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄 ❀ 𝐒. 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐈 !!ᴅɪꜱᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴇᴅ!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt